Hawksmoor - Land North of Derby Road - Hilton

Land North of Derby Road, Hilton

Strategic Residential Development Opportunity (Subject to Planning)

Land to the North of Derby Road, Hilton extending to 81.6 acres Popular market location lying on the western edge of Hilton Proposals sought for a Promotion Partner by way of Promotion Agreement or Option

Opportunity On behalf of our Landowner clients, Hawksmoor are instructed to seek a Promotion Partner to promote this strategic residential development opportunity, lying to the western edge of Hilton, South Derbyshire. The Land identified on the plan forms part of a wider landholding that extends to approximately 115 acres. The Land subject to the Promotion extends to 81.6 acres. The northern boundary of the site abuts the A50, the western boundary adjoins Hoon Lane. The southern boundary abuts Derby Road with the eastern boundary adjoining further land outside of the ownership and the access road to the farmhouse and buildings.

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