Hawksmoor - Land North of Derby Road - Hilton


The majority of the land falls within Flood Zone 1, with land to the South and East falling in Flood Zone 3, in accordance with the latest Environment Agency flood risk map.

Site Plan

At the time of writing, no further intrusive ground investigation works have been undertaken.

Planning The land is located within the administrative district of South Derbyshire. The adopted planning framework is made up of two documents. These are the Local Plan Part 1 (adopted in 2016) and the Local Plan Part 2 (adopted in 2017). Part 1 addresses more strategic issues for the district and sets the amount of housing and employment development required. Part 2 outlines non-strategic housing allocations and detailed development management policies. South Derbyshire began reviewing its current Local Plans via a ‘Issues and Options’ consultation in October 2022. The purpose of updating the Local Plans is to ensure that the Emerging Local Plan covers all the right issues including housing, jobs, infrastructure, health, climate change and the environment. It is now anticipated that either a refreshed ‘Issues and options’ Local Plan or a Draft Local Plan will be consulted on in the first half of 2024. The land is a natural fit for taking on the growth of Hilton in future years and as a potential site allocation via the Emerging Local Plan. The lack of a land promotion history, in our view, provides a very good opportunity to create a robust vision and planning strategy for the land and to highlight the strong sustainability credentials of both the settlement and the land. Whilst the land does not directly abut the urban edge of Hilton, given that the Flood Zone 3 areas that exist to the West and South of Hilton, it is considered that the land North of Derby Road is the first parcel of land West of Hilton that would be suitable for development that falls outside of Flood Zones 2 and 3.

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