View industry leading, USA manufactured Sterngold implant systems-- MOR® Mini Implants, TRU®/PUR® Conical and Internal Hex Implants-- and their prosthetics, equipment and surgical protocols.
Mini Implants: To Add or Not to Add?
Does this sound like you? You have done your research. You attended a CE course. You have heard that mini implants are efficient to add into your practice, are minimally invasive, applicable to a wide variety of patients, and because they are affordable , can increase your practice revenues and profitability.
Still, you say...
"I am just too busy! "
Sterngold understands and respects your time. Get clarity on how your practice can become more efficient with a 20-minute time investment. What’s convenient? Early morning? Mid-day over lunch? Evenings after 5PM? Even weekends. Just ask. Note: Busy does not always mean profitable. Many practices found themselves preoccupied with fitting in patients whose appointments were misplaced due to COVID-19 closure. While you may find your practice calendar full up beyond 60 days, look carefully into the services on these appointments. Providing mini implant treatment can mean the difference between allocating chair time to low value vs. more cost-effective treatments
I am #ReadyNow
? ? ?
Understandable. This is where the free consultation fits perfectly. Our implant experts are ready to listen and respond to your questions on a one-on-one virtual appointment. They can navigate the path to show you how adding mini implants can change patients’ lives for the better and increase practice income. Getting a Starter Kit is often a good start. " I am not sure how to proceed… "
I am #ReadyNow
"I need more education and preparation. "
No worries! Sterngold has developed an educational pathway to get you at your comfort and confidence levels to provide mini implant treatment in your practice. Check out our free webinars here . We are working on developing a remote hands-on course that gives you an opportunity to follow along.
Sign up for our educational content to be in the know.
I am #ReadyNow
" I am just curious. Maybe not for me. .. "
Not a problem. Not many service solutions have such a positive and immediate impact on your practice as mini implants. If offering the treatment is not relevant to you at this time, we hope you can share the message with your peers or simply refer them to, for assistance . Mini implant retained, tissue supported dentures can help you provide a better quality of life for edentulous patients. The procedure is affordable and simple. Your patients can eat better, gain more confidence, and gain significantly increased overall denture satisfaction
Sterngold Dental, LLC | | (800) 243-9942 | 23 Frank Mossberg Drive · Attleboro, MA 02703
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