New Hours of Service Rules


New Rule

Old Rule

*Drivers may extend both their driving and on-duty limits by 2 hours

*Drivers may extend their driving limit, but not their on-duty limit, by 2 hours

Adverse Conditions (395.1(b)(1))

• Adverse Conditions


NEW RULING EFF. 9/29/2020

May extend the driving limit, but not the on-duty limit, by 2 hours

May extend both the driving and on-duty limits by 2 hours

Truck drivers: 13 hours driving in 14-hour period

13 hours driving in 16-hour period

• Drivers and carriers must be sure to UNDERSTAND allowable uses and restrictions- Drivers will be questioned by Law Enforcement

• With the expanded hours, more drivers will be eligible to use the exception to “wait out” unexpected weather and unexpected conditions

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