2023 Systems Operators Conference #1

Learning Objectives

Standards Game: 14. Identify the association of NERC Reliability Standards BAL-001-2, BAL-002-3, BAL-003-2, BAL-005-1, and COM-001-3 to the operations of the Bulk Electric System. 15. Identify the association of NERC Reliability Standards EOP-004-4, EOP-005-3, EOP-006-3, EOP-008-2, EOP-010-1, and EOP-011- 1 to the operations of the Bulk Electric System. 16. Identify the association of NERC Reliability Standards INT-009-3, IRO-001-4, IRO-008-2, TOP-001-5, and VAR-001-5 to the operations of the Bulk Electric System. PowerSimulator® Orientation Learning Objectives: 17. Identify transmission, generation, and control characteristics of the operator training simulator (OTS) – “Cascadia Model”. 18. Discuss the Cascadia Reserve Sharing Agreement. 19. Identify Cascadia IROLand mitigation plans for contingencies. 20. Discuss the Navigation Features and Displays for the operator training simulator (OTS) – “Cascadia Model.” PowerSimulator®: 21. Assess and analyze simulated emergency scenarios. 22. Implement operator control actions to mitigate undesirable conditions on the simulated power system and return the power system to a reliable state. 23.Apply NERC Reliability Standards to RC/TOP/BA responsibilities for each scenario.

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