$ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5 r $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 : TRASH AND TREASURE WEEKEND FUN IN VANKLEEK HILL
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
and some specialty curio dealers, displayed their wares for passersby to browse and bargain over. “I’ve been quite pleased with what I can sell,” said Catherine Woosey of Chute-à- Blondeau, who was quite pleased at finding a buyer for toddler-sized sand pits in the shape of turtles, complete with an imitation “shell” cover to keep the sand dry during wet weather. 0WFSBU,OPY6OJUFE$IVSDI POFPGUIF basement meeting rooms became a brows- ers bazaar, with a constant stream of people dropping in to circulate among the tables of knickknacks, crafts, tableware, and other items. Proceeds from the church’s Trash and Treasures sale covers the expenses to send children for a week at Gracefield Christian 4VNNFS$BNQ ,BSJO.PEF DIVSDIDPPSEJOBUPSGPSUIF jumble sale, noted that it has been a suc- cessful fundraiser for the summer camp program for a decade with no lack of items to put up for sale. “People in the community QSPWJEFVTXJUIUIJOHTUPTFMM u.PEFTBJE i"DPVQMFPGGBNJMJFTBSFNPWJOHUIJTZFBS so they donated a lot of stuff for us for this weekend.” 4PNFTFMMFST MJLF.BSJTTB$PTUB QSPWJEF a little live entertainment. “I just decided to bring my guitar,” explained the Osgoode resident who was in Vankleek Hill for a visit with her sister that weekend, and spent her 4BUVSEBZNBOOJOHUIFJSTJEFXBMLUBCMFBOE serenading passersby.
The weather was perfect for the big- gest flea market weekend in all of Prescott-Russell. The village core of Vankleek Hill became Bargain Hunters Central June 2 for the an- nual Trash and Treasures Day event spon- sored and organized by the Vankleek Hill .FSDIBOUT"TTPDJBUJPO"MMBMPOH.BJO4USFFU and in neighbourhoods, several streets over on either side, booths mushroomed all over as homeowners from around Champlain Township and other neighbouring towns, &/#3&'r#3*&'4 HAWKESBURY LEGION SCHEDULE The Hawkesbury Royal Canadian Legion’s entertainment schedule for the month of June has been released. Music and dancing with Romeo Labre will take place on June 7, Dan and Jean Guy will be entertaining in the afternoon on June 9 and Gordon Nixon on June 14. A Father’s Day party will be held on Sunday, June 16 from 2 to 7 p.m. Andre Picard will be present for music and dancing on June 21, Norm Campeau on June 23 and Billy Gabriel on June 30. A smoked meat supper will be held on Friday, June 28 at 5 p.m.
Catherine Woosey se détend quelques instants sur les deux bacs à sable en forme de tortue qu’elle a vendus lors de l’événement annuel Vankleek Hill Trash and Treasures Day le 2 juin dernier. Le populaire marché aux puces organisé par la Vankleek Hill Merchants Association attire des vendeurs et des acheteurs de toute la région de Prescott-Russell et au-delà. —photo Gregg Chamberlain HAWKESBURY LEGION CONTRIBUTES TO RUSSELL GAULEY PANCAKE BREAKFAST
The Hawkesbury Royal Canadian Legion Branch 472 President Gary O’Neill donated a cheque for $ 200 at the Russell Gauley Pancake Breakfast for Cancer, which took place on Sunday May 5, in Vankleek Hill. Receiving the check is Evelyn Bernique. This event was part of the “Wheels of Hope” Program and all proceeds will go to the Canadian Cancer Society. —supplied photo
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