Does Credit Card Debt Have You Stressed? HERE ARE 3 STRATEGIES TO HELP
2. If you can, pay more than the minimum amount. If you have a large balance on a card, you can pay the minimum amount, but it will take you longer to pay it off. In addition, the longer it takes you to pay off your card, the interest rate on the amount you owe could increase. If you pay more than the minimum, you will pay your card off in less time. You could even try to pay off a portion of your debt several times a month. This will help you build your credit and pay your debt quicker. 3. Review your spending. Debt can accumulate faster on your credit card if you’re unaware of your spending habits. Take some time to review your credit card statement and see where your money is going. Are there any areas where you can limit your spending? It’s easy to overspend on a credit card because you’re technically spending money that isn’t yours. Paying with cash or a debit card is a great alternative to reduce your spending. If you want more tips on how you can pay off more of your credit card debt or if you need financial help, allow your friends at Capital Advisory Group to assist you. We will be happy to review your budget, spending habits, and develop a plan that best suits you and your goals.
With a credit card, debt and interest can increasingly accumulate if you’re not paying off your card monthly. It can become stressful and overwhelming to carry a balance each month because the amount you owe can slowly increase. But if you develop a plan and stick to it, you can pay off your debt sooner than you think. Here are three strategies to help you pay off your credit card quickly. 1. Target one debt at a time. When you have more than one card, paying the minimum amount on each card every month is best. This will ensure you
don’t receive any late fees. Then, you want to focus on paying off the total balance on one card at a time. You can either focus on the card with the highest interest rate and pay that one off first, or use the snowball method. This is when you pay off the smallest balance
and work up to the most expensive one.
Achieving financial security and success doesn’t always have an easy answer. Our team at Capital Advisory Group is dedicated to helping you protect your wealth, and while doing so, you may have the following questions: • What are the rules when investing in cryptocurrency? • Should I retire during a high inflationary period? • Which form of investing is best for me — active or passive? • What do I need to know if I’m retiring this year? If you are curious about any of the above questions, please call Capital Advisory Group today at (636) 394-5524! Have Questions? We Have Answers!
This sweet and savory appetizer is perfect for the transition between summer and fall. GRAPE, GOAT CHEESE, AND HONEY STUFFED SWEET POTATOES
• 4 sweet potatoes • 2 cups seedless red grapes • 1 tsp grapeseed oil • 1/4 tsp salt, plus a pinch • 1/4 tsp pepper, plus a pinch • 4 oz goat cheese, divided • 2 tbsp honey, plus additional for drizzling • Pinch of cinnamon • Pinch of nutmeg
1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. With a fork, poke holes in potatoes. Tightly wrap each in aluminum foil. 3. On a baking sheet, place potatoes and roast for 45–60 minutes, until potatoes are tender. Remove and unwrap foil. 4. With a knife, slit each potato down the middle. 5. Increase oven to 450 F. 6. On a nonstick baking sheet, drizzle the grapes with grapeseed oil. Add a pinch of salt and pepper and toss to coat. Roast for 20–25 minutes. 7. Using a spoon, remove sweet potato flesh while keeping shape intact. 8. In a large bowl, mash sweet potato flesh with 3 oz goat cheese, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, pepper, and honey. 9. Scoop filling back into potatoes. Top with remaining goat cheese, grapes, and drizzled honey.
(636) 394-5524
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