

Listing the files and folders in a particular place

The “ls” command lists all contents of directory you’re working in. There are a range of switches you can use with “ls” to make it display exactly the files you’re interested in and all the useful information about those files. We’ve listed a few of those switches here: l  “ ls ”, the command with no switches, lists all the file in the current directory. l  “ ls -l ” lists the files and displays the long version of the information about each file or directory. Output may be colour-coded depending on the terminal preferences that you have set. l  “ ls -R ” asks for a “recursive” list – that is, a list including the contents of sub-directories as well as this directory. l  “ ls -A ” forces the system to show “hidden” files. Hidden files have names that start with a dot, which won’t usually be visible when doing a normal directory list.

Let’s look at two examples. In the first, we use the plain “ls” command with no switches.

$ ls An_Gott_und_meine_Mutter.mid Domestic Programming Test.mid An_Gott_und_meine_Mutter.mscz Engineering Quantum Physics Tutoring appliances FluidR3 _ GM.ins School Windaz

In the second, we use “ls -l”. This displays the files in long format, telling you, among other things, the size, owner and security setting on each file.

$ ls -l total 336

-rw-rw-r--. 1 brian brian 2429 Apr 2 20:27 An_Gott_und_meine_Mutter.mid -rw-rw-r--. 1 brian brian 4085 Apr 2 19:52 An_Gott_und_meine_Mutter.mscz drwxrwxr-x. 4 brian brian 4096 Apr 2 20:38 appliances -rw-rw-r--. 1 brian brian 10919 Apr 2 19:52 brotplot.odt

Don’t worry, we’ll go into the details of this information later.

To find out more about the “ls” command, take a look at its Wikipedia Entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ls

The Linux Command Line


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