


Give each variable a name that reminds you what is stored in it. For example, if you are creating a game and you use a variable to store the score, then a good name for the variable would be “game_score”.

If you wanted to use a two-word name for your variable, you would separate the words with an underscore (the “_” character), not a blank space.

Using variables in Scratch

Ok, now we’re going to create and use variables. Click on Variables in the Blocks Palette and create a variable called “game_score”.

1  Click on the Variables button, then on the button labelled “Make a variable”.

2  Drag “Set [game_score] to [0]” to the Scripts tab. Then, from Control,

This opens the “Variable name?” dialogue window. Enter the name “game_score” for your variable and click OK.

drag the block “when Sprite1 clicked”. Join the two together to make a script.

3  The default value for new

4  Finally, from Looks, I have used a “say [Hello] for [2] secs” block but changed it to “say [Great, I’ve got 100 points] for [2] secs”.

variables is “0”. Select the block “set [game_score] to [0]” and change the value to “100”.

A beginner’s guide to Scratch


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