

The changes you need to make to your code for the purple car are:

The purple car should line up next to the red car at x: 30 y: 115.

You should also use the “x” key to turn the car to the right and the “z” key to turn the car to the left.


When you are creating a game, don’t be over- ambitious at the beginning. Program your basic idea and make sure that it works. Then develop your game bit by bit, adding new characters, events and levels. It is a good idea to save each new version with a different number, so that you can keep track of the changes that you have made. You may get stuck and want to go back to a previous version of your game.

To see a finished example of this game, open RPiScratch/Projects/racing_game_v1.

Over to you

Task: Add the sound of racing cars to enhance the game. You’ll need to record or create your own sound file. Task: Try to make these improvements to the racing game: In the racing game you just created, the car says “I win!” when it hits the line. But the speech bubble is gone so fast, it’s hard to read. However, if we change the script so that the speech bubble stays on screen for, say, 2 seconds, then there’s a chance that the second car will also hit the finish line in that time and also say “I win!”. Then we wouldn’t know who had really won. Try and create a new version of the game, saving it as something like “racing_game_v2”, this time causing the losing car to stop in its tracks the moment the winner crosses the finish line. To do this, you’ll need to use a variable. Call this new variable something like “have_winner”. The default value of “have_winner” should be “0”. Whenever either car wins, by touching the white finish line, it should set the value of “have_winner” to “1”. This should be the trigger for both cars to stop moving.

Finally, instead of having the cars crash when they hit the grass, try and make them slow down, so that the player has a chance to get them back onto the track.

To see a finished example of this game, open RPiScratch/Projects/racing_game_v2.

A beginner’s guide to Scratch


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