

Line drawing

# Include the system, maths and graphical user interface modules import sys, math

from PySide.QtGui import * from PySide.QtCore import * class SketchWindow (QWidget):

def __init__ (self, title, draw, size): super (SketchWindow, self).__init__() self.setWindowTitle(title) width, height = size self.setGeometry(60, 60, width, height) self.windowSize = size self.draw = draw def paintEvent (self, event):

qp = QPainter() qp.begin(self) pen = QPen(Qt.yellow, 4) qp.setPen(pen) self.draw(qp, self.windowSize) qp.end() # this draw function is not within the SketchWindow class def drawSine (context, size): width, height = size points = [] for x in range (width): angle = 5 * x * 2 * math.pi / width qpoint = QPoint(x, (height/2) * (1+math.sin(angle)) ) points.append(qpoint) context.drawPolyline(points) # create the application and widget and start it application = QApplication(sys.argv) widget = SketchWindow( 'Sine' , drawSine, (320,200)) widget.show() application.exec_()

Experiments in Python


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