

Lesson 3.5: Simulations and games

Now we can handle graphics and sounds, as well as manipulating data and using functions and classes. We can put all of this together to create something really worth seeing - it’s time to write games!

Let’s go skiing!

For this experiment, you will need some little pictures (“sprites”), which will be moved around the display. You can use any “paint” software to create a picture of a skier, which is 20 pixels high and 20 pixels wide. Also, create a picture of a tree, which is also 20 pixels high and 20 pixels wide (see the pictures on the next page).

# pyGameSkier.py import pygame # a world sprite is a pygame sprite class worldSprite (pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__ (self, location, picture): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image = picture self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.left, self.rect.top = location def draw (self,screen): screen.blit(self.image, self.rect) # draw this sprite on the screen (BLIT) # a skier in the world knows how fast it is going # and it can move horizontally class worldSkier (worldSprite): speed = 5 def update (self, direction): self.rect.left += direction * self.speed self.rect.left = max (0, min (380, self.rect.left)) class skiWorld ( object ): running = False keydir = 0 def __init__ (self): self.running = True self.skier = worldSkier([190, 50], pygame.image.load( "skier.png" )) def updateWorld (self): # the skier is part of the world and needs updating self.skier.update(self.keydir) def drawWorld (self, canvas): canvas.fill([255, 250, 250]) # make a snowy white background world.skier.draw(canvas) # draw the player on the screen

Experiments in Python


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