Internal Medicine GEO - FACULTY HANDBOOK

6. Clinical innovation that leads to institutional recognition and/or clinical program growth. Evidence of excellence in health care improvement science include: 1. Clinical systems excellence which results in improved patient outcomes. 2. Implementation of improvement outcomes that are institutionally distinctive (e.g., improving patient satisfaction in clinic by instituting a newpolicy). 3. Publication of quality improvement, safety or health care outcome projects, service on expert panels, consultant on QI projects. 4. Participation in improvement efforts at the microsystem level and/or contributions to system-wide health care improvement. Evidence of excellence in research/scholarly activity include: Candidates in this track may engage in clinical or translational research. This may include analysis of prospective and/or retrospective databases, case reports, collaborative translational research with clinical and or basic investigators, and clinical trials in the field of their expertise. Candidates for promotion to Associate Professor are expected to engage in a variety of scholarly activities. This may include publication of case reports and/or research findings. Quality, originality, and impact of the manuscripts in peer- reviewed journals are given greater weight than the quantity of publications. Publications in books, chapters, monographs and non-peer reviewed journals are also considered, however, they are less valued than original works. Participation as a co- investigator or consultant on major grants with other principal investigators provides evidence of collaboration that is an important criterion for advancement. Independent funding for scholarly works is highly regarded but not expected in the Clinical Service Track. Evidence of excellence in teaching include: 1. Evaluations from students, residents and peers are required. Specific methods and objective criteria for evaluation of teaching will be determined by each department. 2. Documentation of the types of teaching activities in which the faculty member participates is required, including: • Number of hours per week of resident and medical student supervision • Documentation of attendance and participation at teachingconferences • Evidence of formal didactic activities such as lectures at institutional teaching conferences, departmental grand rounds and basic science lectures • Other teaching and consulting lectures throughout the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, the city of Cincinnati, and other institutions across the nation.

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