Internal Medicine GEO - FACULTY HANDBOOK


A. Initial Appointment for Full-Time and Adjunct Faculty The initial appointment process for full-time and adjunct faculty requires approval at various administrative levels. With regard to approval of the title request, the ‘Rank Rule’ determines whether or not the college ARPT Committee must consider the appointment recommendation. The Rank Rule states: “ The College ARPT Committee must consider and approve the title request for all ranks in the Tenure Track, and for the ranks of Associate Professor and Professor in the Research, Clinical, Educator and Field Service Tracks .” The review sequence for new appointments is as follows: the department ARPT Committee, the department director (or other academic unit head), and for new appointments with tenure or in tenure track, and for appointments at the rank of Associate Professor and above, the college ARPT Committee. They review the applicant’s dossier and advise the Dean of their recommendations at each level of review. The Dean considers these recommendations and makes a final recommendation to the department director. Appointments with tenure are submitted to the Board of Trustees for final approval. *All departmental guidelines shall incorporate a requirement for academic review and recommendation by the department ARPT committee for appointment or reappointment to the rank of Assistant Professor or above in qualified tracks. The following materials to be uploaded and routed into the electronic RPT system include: 1. Department Director’s recommendation letter. 2. Department ARPT Committee Chair’s recommendation letter (not required for Volunteer and Visiting tracks). 3. Current curriculum vitae of faculty candidate - A suggested format may be accessed at the Faculty Affairs website. The listing of authors or publications in the bibliography must be in the order in which they were published in the journal. The full title of all listed publications and inclusive pages must be given. Abstracts and books must be listed separately from full papers. The curriculum vitae must also list past, present, and pending extramural grant support, including funding agency, the name of the principal investigator(s), the title of the project, level of funding, and project period. A summary of courses taught and lectures given must be included to document teaching. A summary of clinical activities should be included, if relevant. Work on committees should include dates of service, the full name of


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