Would the reputation of UC be harmed if the action were revealed in the newspaper? Am I personally uncomfortable with the course of action? Could someone’s life, health, safety or reputation be endangered by my action?
(5) (6)
(7) Could the intended action appear inappropriate to a third party? These same questions can be used to evaluate the conduct of others. Confidentiality and privacy Though UC is a public institution subject to state open records laws, members of the university community generate certain types of confidential, proprietary and private information that are exempt from disclosure. State ethics laws specifically prohibit the unauthorized disclosure of such information even after an individual is no longer employed by UC. It is imperative that each community member complies with all university rules, federal laws, state laws, agreements with third parties, and university policies and principles pertaining to the use, protection and disclosure of such information.
Information on specific privacy laws, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA – student records), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA – personal health information) may be obtained from the office of the general counsel. (D) Conflict of interest/conflict of commitment UC faculty and staff owe their primary professional allegiance to the university and its mission to engage in the highest level of education, patient care, service, research and scholarship. Outside professional activities, private financial interests or the receipt of benefits from third parties can create an actual or perceived conflict between the university mission and an individual’s private interests. Such activities may also be unlawful under state ethics and other laws. In order to protect our primary mission, community members with other professional or financial interests shall make timely disclosure of such interests on an outside activity reporting form (OAR) in compliance with applicable conflict of interest/conflict of commitment policies, which are available on the following websites: Rule 30-21-02 Employment: policy on collateral employment for faculty members and librarians. http://www.uc.edu/trustees/rules/RuleDetail.asp?ID=123
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