will be considered during evaluation; however, more weight will be typically given to investigator-initiated funding as the Principal Investigator. Faculty members who focus on health care improvement science are also eligible for tenure via the Clinical Investigator Track. Efforts that result in breakthrough clinical system improvements that are sustained and replicated regionally and nationally, national or international recognition for creation of novel improvement programs, or leadership roles in multisite networks that focus on outcomes, health services and improvement research are all favorably viewed in tenure decisions. With rare exceptions, faculty appointed in the Tenure Track have a doctoral degree and post-doctoral training. Academic rank reflects the individual's educational background and training, primary interests and commitments, and experience and accomplishments. The ascending order of rank parallels increasing qualifications: Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. Tenure is only granted to a faculty member at the Associate Professor and Professor levels. Clinical faculty members shall have a 10-year probationary period. Faculty represented by the AAUP shall have a tenure probationary period as indicated in Article 7 of the collective bargaining agreement. A faculty member who has been denied tenure and whose probationary period has expired shall not be entitled to further tenure review, but may be considered for transition to other non-tenure tracks. Tenure Track faculty may request a change in their tenure track emphasis (e.g., Research Tenure Track to Education Tenure Track). Such a request must be approved by their department chair and the Dean of the CoM. If such a change is granted, it will have no effect on their tenure probationary period (e.g., it will not reset the tenureclock). For all non-tenure track faculty members represented by the AAUP Bargaining Unit, regardless of rank or track, the terms of appointments and reappointments, as well as the review deadlines and notification schedules for reappointment, promotion and tenure shall conform to Article 7 of the AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement. Clinical Faculty in the College of Medicine are not represented by the AAUP and, regardless of rank or track, the terms of appointments and reappointments, as well as the review deadlines and notification schedules for reappointment, promotion and tenure shall conform to the College of Medicine Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Review Cycles.
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