Summer 2024

Special Advertising Feature

Special Advertising Feature

Swing Into Summer Tamarack Resort shines with new, jaw-dropping golf course, new high-end homes, and more

Commission Based and Guaranteed

the-line simulator and it will greatly

said. (There’s plenty to explore with

Rental Programs are available through

expand what we can offer to golfers

2,800 vertical feet of skiing, and often

Tamarack Property Management, with

throughout the year.”

smaller lines compared with a large-

upward of 40% of residents opting to

Aside from access to myriad

scale ski resort.)

rent out their homes at some point

activities, environmental impact has

With so much to do, it’s no wonder

during the year.

always been front of mind, with the

the DeLaets spend so much time at

However, more and more residents

design team integrating nature into


are like the DeLaets, taking advantage

the layout as much as possible, while

And they’re certainly not alone. “The

of the best of every season at

still scaling back water and chemical

skiing attracted us here,” said owners

Tamarack more often than not

usage… and keeping things challenging

The new layout—set on a stunning

Jordan and Matt Ferris, “but we

As America’s only ski, golf and

throughout the year. “We spend

at the same time. “The holes are still !& "!   Members also have access to " ! !&

piece of land—has been completely

love that Tamarack is a four-season

lake resort, the summer season

every single weekend in the winter

overhauled by Jones and has a player-

resort. We have a boat, too, and love

is an exciting time around Idaho’s

and summer up there,” said Graham,

friendly layout that appeals to all

to get out on the lake. Our kids are

Tamarack Resort.

who’s based out of Boise.

levels of golfer. “The weekender will #" ! ! !$ !

big fans, as well… Tamarack is a

The slopes begin to thaw and the

He noted that there’s a small-town,

mountain snack shack. Resort

great family resort community with

miles of hiking trails slowly lose the

undiscovered feel across the resort,

president Scott Turlington said

so much to offer. We look forward

Nordic and snowshoe tracks from

where it feels like his family has made

membership and homeowner interest

nuances and subtleties to the greens

to celebrating the holidays here and

winter, with early footsteps promising

real connections with others. “You

has been so robust that the resort is

and fairways every round,” said

inviting extended family. We made

months of hiking and biking to come.

see the same faces all the time and

now planning to build a new, larger

Dustin Simons, Tamarack Resort’s

sure our home was large enough to

Here, life moves naturally with the

recognize people on the lifts,” he

members-only clubhouse.

director of golf. “This is a course that

accommodate friends and family.”

seasons, and it’s a pace of living that’s

Turlington is excited about

is meant to be played over and over.”

attracting more and more people

Tamarack’s refreshed real estate

Simons said about 60%-70% of the

to lay down permanent roots in this

offerings, which have something

fairways and greens will have a water

nestled portion of central Idaho 90

for everyone. Beyond The Village

feature in the form of a pond, creek

miles from Boise.

condos, Tamarack rethought its Villas

or wetland. Some are scenic, others

“They’ve done a great job of giving

in the Ponderosa Ridge signature

factor into shot-making, he said. “As

members new things every year

neighborhood, which provide

for my favorite holes, I really like the  !    !  ! $

to look forward to,” said Tamarack

maintenance-free living. They start at

homeowner Graham DeLaet, a

3,000 square feet and are available

Par 5 and gives you the opportunity to

PGA Tour golfer whose family

from $2.3 million. There are 15 homes #!  ! 

make a good score. It also can cause

takes advantage of all the resort’s

you problems if you don’t approach it

offerings each season. He and his

according to Turlington, six are already

cautiously. I also really like the 18th. ! !  $!!

family purchased a condo in The ! 

under contract. “We found people love

the idea of having a home where they

tiered green. It has strategic bunkers

themselves using all the property has

don’t have to think about working with

around the green and a stream on

to offer almost every weekend. They

a contractor or designer,” he said. “It’s

the right. It really sets up nicely for

are also early members at The Club

move-in ready.”

multiple approaches and iron play.”

at Tamarack, launched earlier this

For those looking for a more

For those who want a little bit

year. Membership in that program " &  !

bespoke option, Tamarack has

of help with their game, the new

announced 15 new estate homesites

Trackman Golf Simulator opened

and access to amenities such as a

along Osprey Meadows Golf Course

in December. “We used it to teach

members-only concierge, tee time

with sizing up to just under one-

lessons this winter and we’re looking

availability and events.

and-a-half acres available from the

forward to adding possible golf events

The latter is a growing selling

$500,000s. Each lot will have views

or tournaments in the coming days,”

point for Tamarack, which is also

of the mountain, golf course and

Simons said. “It’s a great resource

opening its 18-hole + spectacular 19th

adjacent Lake Cascade and offer full %!&"&! !

for our members, to practice and

Gambler’s hole Robert Trent Jones II-

work on certain shots or just to play

designed course at Osprey Meadows

dream nature getaway.

around and have fun. This is a top-of-

this July following a full renovation.

The Mansion Global news organization was not involved in the creation of this content


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