AXIO | Proficiency Testing schemes 2025
What is Proficiency Testing?
WHAT IS PROFICIENCY TESTING? Proficiency testing (PT) is a mechanism for objectively evaluating a laboratory’s performance by the use of independent external means, and includes regular comparisons of a laboratory’s measurement or test results with those of other laboratories. PT is widely recognised as an essential tool for demonstrating the competence of laboratories, providing the infrastructure for a laboratory to monitor and improve the quality of its routine analytical measurements. PT can provide both evidence of competence and an indication of an underlying or emerging problem.
WHAT SHOULD I CONSIDER WHEN SELECTING A PT SCHEME? Test items Real/simulated materials, properties, concentrations, reporting units. Distribution Frequency, flexible participation, fit for purpose. Reports Speed, language, information, format, evaluation criteria, confidentiality. Participants
National/international, number, methods being used, type of laboratory. Results Deadlines, format, choice of method, reportability of measurement uncertainties, statistical approach. PT provider Scope of PT schemes offered, feedback/assistance provided, quality (accreditation), provision of surplus/ repeat test items.
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