SC Your Teens World

As you are aware, many changes are going on with your child RIGHT NOW. Some of the most important changes are taking place in their brains, and these changes will continue well into the 20’s. These changes affect: • How they think. • How their bodies grow. • How they act. • How they think about alcohol. The good news is there are changes we can see to let us know their brains are developing. The best news is that YOU can have a big impact on the changes that take place under the skin that we cannot see as well as the thoughtful actions we can see. How you communicate with your child influences their brain development and by doing so, influences how they think, how their bodies grow, and how they act. Your child may experience some or all of these: • Feeling socially awkward about their bodies • Struggling with who to become friends with and how to fit in • Feeling a little stressed about responsibilities and demands at school and around the house • Wanting more privacy Whats Going On ,


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