King's Business - 1930-03

‘Behold I have set before thee an OPEN DOOR” Rev. 3:8.

Its’ the Door o f Opportunity —Open to Every Christian Young Man and Woman The Bible Institute of Los Angeles

Offers You an Unparalled Opportunity to Obtain Thorough, Practical and Effic - ient Bible Training for Christian Service This long established and well grounded organization is con­ ducted for the sole purpose of training young men and women in the knowledge of the Bible and different forms of Christian service. It is a definitely practical aid in meet­ ing the growing demand for leaders in Christian work throughout the Church of Christ— an institution particu­ larly well fitted to initiate and carry on its chosen work.

Dr. Elbert L. M cCreery Dean o f Faculty

Dr. W illiam P. W hite President

The Faculty Comprises consecrated m e n a n d women whose personal qualifications, scholastic training and spiritual experiences ably equip them to prepare Bible Institute students for lives of Christian service.

The Strategic Location The Institute occupies its ________________________________________ ow n well constructed fire­ proof buildings— fitted with every m odern appliance and equipment, over 600 com fortably furnished room s for the stu ­ dent body, a full quota o f class room s, and auditorium with approxim ately 4000 seats. Its situation in beautiful Southern California assures a congenial environm ent for study under the m ost favorable clim atic conditions, while its location in the rapidly grow ing m etropolis o f Los Angeles gives ample facili­ ties for Christian service.

Courses of Study

The courses are comprehensive and thorough, covering every branch of Christian training J * for Christian service— the practical and combined outcome of each teacher’s personal


Christian Education Course Evening Classes

General Course Christian Service Medical Music Course Missions Course

Correspondence School Post Graduate Course Other Activities A practical application of the classroom instruction is afforded through the assignment of — . students to various forms of Christian effort in the churches of their own denomination

throughout the city. TUITION IS FREE



Bible Institute of Los Angeles H W M M M

Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 536-558 South H ope St., Los A ngeles, Calif. Please send com plete details regarding the Christian Training o f The Bible Institute o f Los A ngeles: “ O pportunity’s Open D oor for Christian Y oung People.’’





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