King's Business - 1930-03


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

March 1930

I Gleanings from the

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Since there come into, the clubs girls who have never been gripped with the Story of the Christ of Calvary, girls who know Him but who have never permitted Him to have the mastery of their lives, and girls who need to grow in grace and in the knowledge of their Lord and Saviour, the work of Euodia is varied. In one of the clubs, at the last meeting of 1929, during a testimony time a girl gave as her testimony, “ This has been the happiest year of my life.” She then went on to explain why she could make that statement. With a radiant face she told of how she had come to know Jesus as her own Saviour, how she had had her whole view of things changed, and of how He was Master of her life. That girl had come into Euodia some time before, and been won for Him from a life that had for its objective nothing but a good time. Another girl had this testimony: “ I have really come to know Jesus in Euodia.” She had' come into-the club about two months before, a nominal Christian, but through the teaching of His Word had come to know Him in a real way. In the same club a week later, as the new year started, the message had just been given on “ The Divided King­ dom.” As the girls saw from the Word the glory of the King of kings who should fulfill God’s promise to David and establish an everlasting kingdom, the Holy Spirit showed the wonder of being a servant of His now. When the call was given, eight girls surrendered their lives to Him for service. So we can praise Him that work is being done in the lives of high-school girls, “ not by might, nor. by power, but by roy Spirit, saith the Lord.” Helping the Women Workers on a Great Liner G OD moves in a mysterious way His wonders to per­ form . . . For five years the Superintendent of the Seamen’s work has been greatly concerned about the spiritual welfare of the women’s laundry staff on one of the great liners. ......... During the first week in January this boat visited Los Angeles harbor. Permission was granted the Superinten­ dent of the Seamen’s work to carry the Gospel t o : the women of the laundry staff, and two of the Bible women were asked to help the Superintendent in this work. After going through the usual red tape to gain admit­ tance, the Bible women finally reached the social parlor of this great liner and there came face to face with from twenty to thirty women who were spending their day in port, smoking and indulging in jazz music. The next problem that faced these Bible women was how to get a point of contact with this group of women, but when God putteth forth His own sheep He goeth be­ fore. How wonderfully tfepg Scripture was fulfilled in this case. Both of the Bible women were English, so one of them spoke to the women of her nationality. Then dif­ ferent ones among the women spoke of their native land and soon room was made for the two Bible women, who were taken into the circle,

Workers of the Extension Department t || t 1|’ ISS CARTER ’S splendid and efficient work fsraM fjjf in, and around, San Francisco, is continuing Jf to grow in volume, as well as in inter- est. All of her classes have been maintained with increasing efficiency. During January, a ' ■*" -*■ work in Berkeley, which had been temporarily suspended, was resumed with noticeable enthusiasm. Her San Francisco and San Rafael classes, as well as her two Chinese Bible study classes, are continuing with increas­ ing inspiration. Miss Carter is a tireless worker and we Solicit your continued prayers for her. The work in San Rafael was recently conducted in the home of the vice- president of the bank of that place, who voluntarily stated that the class was doing a work that was very much needed in San Rafael. The splendid work of Rev. Britton Ross, our evan­ gelist in the North, is worthy of special comment. His evangelistic campaigns are bringing many persons to accept Jesus Christ, and are also making many new friends and furnishing the names of many high-school students, from which we may reasonably expect numer­ ous prospective students for the Institute. In his meetings at Pendleton, Oregon, recently (a very difficult field), 123 persons confessed Christ, and there were definite dedica­ tions to life-service. The average attendance at these meetings was 700. Other successful campaigns were held at Milton- Freewater, Oregon; Waitsburg, Sunnyside, and Grand View, Washington. Miss Braskamp’s untiring and effective work con­ tinues, establishing many important contacts for Christ and the Institute, besides conveying the blessing of God upon those whom she meets and to whom she ministers. The Evangelistic Campaigns which are being con­ ducted in the one- and two-weeks series, in the churches in, and around, Eos Angeles, are continuing with suc­ cessful results and blessings. Churches are opening their doors to receive the spiritual assistance which the Bible Institute is so glad, to render to them. We are looking forward, prayerfully and hopefully, to a progressive and effective program of Biola confer­ ences and evangelistic services which will carry the work of the Institute out over greatly extended territory. Winning the High-School Girls E UODIA—when you say the word you may visualize groups of fine, enthusiastic girls from fifty-two high schools and junior high, schools of Los Angeles County, meeting after school once a week for an hour of song, prayer and Bible study. Each meeting is usually opened with the club verse, 2 Cor. 2 :14. (literal translation) : “ Now thanks be unto that God who always leads us forth to triumph in the Anointed One and who diffuses by us the fragrance of the knowledge of Him in every place.” — 0 —


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