King's Business - 1930-03


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

March 1930

Words of Appreciation from Listeners In W E are greatly encouraged by the scores of appre­ ciative letters that come to. the office of KTBI every month. In order that our magazine readers may know more about the extent and effectiveness of our radio ministry, we present the following excerpts from letters recently received: “ I listen in five days a week to your class at 10:35. I cannot express my appreciation for this opportunity. 1 have two small children and it would be impossible for me to leave my home to attend classes, but I take the hour every morning and sit down with my Bible and notebook, and feel that I am actually in your class. I am a Sunday- school teacher in one of our city churches. The lectures I have heard over KTBI have helped me more than any­ thing else has ever done.” A busy pastor writes as follows: “ Just a line of appre­ ciation and thanks for the many blessings received from the broadcast'of Radio KTBI. Many of our people are enjoying your helpful and inspiring programs that come to them, many times, in the hour of their need. We hope that your great work rftay be continued.” > A 'father writes the following: “ 1 want to express the- gratitude which we feel as a family, for Station KTBI. Each day is made different by the atmosphere which your talks create.” 'From a convalescent; “ I am just recovering from an illntss of several weeks’ duration and have scarcely strength enough to write; but I want to express my grati­ tude for the help and encouragement that I received dur­ ing my illness, as I listened to the addresses, prayers and songs, that were broadcasted over KTBI.” An appreciative listener writes:“ If KTBI were not on the airj Ifwould not want a radio.” ' ' Another one writes : “ I purchased my radio chiefly because of the desire to hear the lectures and songs com­ ing from the Bible Institute.” You Can Find Help The morning devotional hour'.conducted; by Dri -Isaac Ward,.has led to an extended prayer ministry, because of the many requests received from those in .need of spiritual help;, Our readers are requested to prayerfully remember Dr, Ward in his effort to meet these gro\Ving responsi­ bilities; . ■■i H« H«. ; , . ; If you are a Sunday-school teacher and1need: help in preparing your lesson, you will find such help Friday eve­ nings from seven to eight o’clock, when the Sunday-school lesson is taught by the Rev. John Hubbard. Hundreds o f teachers ate listening in at> this time and find the hour to be just what they need in the way of providing the neces­ sary instruction for the teaching o f the lesson. * * * During the first week of June, 1930, the Christian Church will observe the nineteenth centennial of the

descent of the Spirit on the Day o f Pentecost. In antici­ pation of this, a series of addresses on “ The Things of the Spirit” is now being given on Friday evenings from eight to nine o’clock under the auspices of the Evening Classes of the Institute. These lectures are broadcast over KTBI. Time is taken, preceding each address, to answer questions bearing upon the general subject of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. * * * Arrangements will be made to broadcast the addresses of Dr. James M. Gray, President of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, during his visit- to BIOLÂ,' Feb­ ruary 25 to 28. Further announcement of this will be made over the radio, preceding Dr. Gray’s arrival. . * * * The late Dr. R. A. Torrey, for many yéars Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, left behind him a num­ ber of volumes dealing with Christian life and experience. An illustration of the words, “ He, being dead; yet speak- eth,” is afforded from a recent radio incident : The' announcer, Mr. Harry P, TTerdman, read a published ser­ mon of Dr. Torrey’s,'. over the radio. From letters,re­ ceived we conclude that this sermon has in it the-power to bless and inspiré. A number of our hearers express themselves-as being' greatly enriched by the reading of this, sermon. Dr, Torrey’s ministry still, continues. • * * * Heard over Radio KTBI : “ ‘Be not afraid’ ; ‘Be of good cheer.’ For He who with undampened feet could tread: the wavesv and whose quiet voice could be heard above the blasts of wind, has the power to impart good cheer, confidence and blessing to all who trust Hi111- * * * “ Nothing can-produce mote practical blessing and help in our trials of today than to ‘be of good cheer’ through faith in Jesus Christ,” * * * A copy of1thè weekly program of KTBI, as printed in the''February issue of T he K ing ’ s B usiness , will be sent to anyone on request. Address KTBI, The Bible Inst itute- Of Los Angeles, Prayer Lord, I know not what l ought to ask of Thee; Thou only knowest what I need; Thou lovest me better than I know how to love myself. O Father! give to Thy child that which hte himself knows not how to ask. I dare not ask either. for crosses o r, consolations: I simply present myself:before Thee, T open my heart to Thee. Behold my needs which I know not myself; see and do according to Thy tender mercy. Smite, or heal; depress me, or raise me up ; I adore all Thy purposes without knowing them; I am silent; I offer myself in sacrifice: I yield myself to Thee; T. .would have no other desire than to accomplish Thy-will,; Teach, me to pray. Pray Thyself in me. Amen. —Francois de la Mothe Fenelgn ;(il 641 - 17 l 5 ) , ,

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