King's Business - 1930-03

March 1930


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

So, although it is not possible for any of us to earn eternal life, or merit it by what we do, yet His laws must be kept. The young man replied that he had kept all the commandments of which Jesus spoke, then asked: “What lack I yet?” In his heart he kn'ew he was not saved. Had this rich young man really kept all of God’s commandments ? He thought s o ; he* was honest, sincere, and wished to learn from Jesus just why he was not sure of eternal life. Yet, he had not always and absolutely kept the command­ ments of God. Everyone has sinned, has disobeyed God; only Jesus ever kept all God’s commandments, and lived without sin. This young man did not realize that he was a sinner; he only knew there was an unrest in his soul, that he was unsatis­ fied, hungry; so he came to Jesus, When Jesus looked upon this young man, He loved him. Then he said: “If thou wilt be perfect, sell all that thou hast, and come, follow me.” Jesus, look­ ing into the young man’s heart, saw there an idol; it took up so much room there was no place for Jesus! He loved his earthly treasures; they were his idol. Jesus said, “Give them to Me, and I will give you treasure in heaven.” But the young man was not willing to sell his property, his treasures, so he went away. He was sad, and still unsatisfied; prob­ ably all his life he carried a great hun­ gry place in his heart. Perhaps, after some time, the treasures he had clung to became worthless to him, and he wished that he had done as Jesus said. If he only had, what blessing would have come to him! The disciples were surprised when Jesus said it was hard for a rich man to enter heaven. Like all Jews, they looked upon worldly riches as meaning that God was blessing, and as a sign of His favor. But Jesus wanted to teach them that when the love of earthly riches grows too big in the heart, He is crowded out. He wants to have the first place in our hearts, wants us to choose Him before every­ thing else, love Him best; then He will bless us in this life, and give us eternal life; He will lay up for us treasures in heaven that are more wonderful than any­ body can imagine! Jesus was sorry, too, when this rich, lovable young man turned away from Him because earthly treasures were dear­ est to him. Jesus knew that there is only one way to have eternal life, and that is, to believe in Him, love Him, obey Him. He knew that although this young man had lived a good, moral life, and had kept the Commandments outwardly, yet his heart was sinful, and he needed to be saved. That is what Jesus came for, that He might save everybody. So His heart was grieved that day, as it is al­ ways grieved when any soul refuses His love and salvation. Have you found out that Jesus is the Treasure above all other treasures? Have you come to Him and asked Him to save you? Have you chosen Him, given Him your life and heart? If you have, He will bless you, save you, make you happy. And you will make His own heart glad as you love and follow Him.

lives in the tiniest cottage on earth, with barely room enough for his family. He might live better if he did not give away so much to the miserable poor folks.” Farther on she saw a tiny cottage being built. “And whom is that for?” she asked “That is for you.” “But I have lived in a mansion on earth. I would not know how to live in a cottage.” The words she heard-in reply were full o f meaning: “The Master Builder is doing His best with the- material that is being sent up.” Then she awoke, resolving to lay up treasure in heaven. The principle applies to all who are •thinking more of the things temporal which are seen than1of the things eternal which are unseen (2 Cor. 4:18). He * * Giving Up All For the Kingdom Matt. 19:16-26. Memory Verse ; “ Lay up for your­ selves treasures in heaven” (Matt. 6:20). Approach.—Have the children tell of things they like best and would choose. Ask which they would rather have, a toy watch or a real one? If they would with His disciples to a small village in Perea until the time came for Him to enter into Jerusalem. (Have the children find places on map.) After the short time o f rest at Perea, Jesus and His followers went on their way to Jerusalem. During the journey Jesus healed the ten lepers, blessed little children, healed, and taught those who came to Him. One day as they were on the way to Jerusalem, a young man came running to Jesus and kneeled at His feet. This man was a ruler, or lord, a great and worthy man in his own country. He was a rich young man. Why did he come to Jesus? Why kneel at His feet? What could he want of the humble Man of Nazareth? Did he look upon Jesus as the Son of God, or only as a wise rabbi, a Teacher? The young man did not come to ask Jesus to heal him; he had no earthly need. But yet, he wanted something so very earnestly that he hurried to Jesus. He was anxious to have a question an­ swered. He believed in life eternal, and although he was a good, moral young man, he evidently realized that this was not enough to make him sure of having eternal life; he asked Jesus what he could do in order to have it. Then Jesus asked: “ Why callest thou me good?” He told the young man there is only One who is truly “good,” and that is God. This was the same as if He had said “I am God,” and He wanted the young man to confess it. Then He said, “Keep the commandments.” Long before, God had given His people these com­ mandments, which must be kept if they lived in obedience to Him, pleased Him. < W o * be willing to give up the toy watch f o r th e valuable one ? C o m p a r e treasures of earth to the toy, those of th e kingdom of God to the r e a l watch. L e s s o n Story. ■—A f t e r J e s u s raised Lazarus from the dead, He went

Enroll NOW i n t h e Correspondence Course Studies in the Gospel of Matthew Just what every teacher of the International Lessons needs in preparing their lessons which are in this gospel for the next six months. Each verse treated in the ques­ tion method involving comparisons with other Scriptures. Space pro­ vided opposite each question for the student to record his answer. DEFINITE THOROUGH INSTRUCTIVE No examinations— Lesson work and neatness determining grade certificate upon completion. Fee Including oo all Costs


Correspondence School Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Sirs: Enclosed please find $2.00 for which I desire enrollment in the course, “Studies in the Gospel of Matthew.**


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