King's Business - 1930-03

March 1930

159 early New England colonists, the author finds three waves o f heresy soon creeping in. At this point some readers may feel that he is too generous toward the Cal­ vinists and too severe with such “here­ tics” as the Quakers. The causes o f the rise of Unitarianism are clearly pointed out and the development under the teaching of Channing, Emerson, and Theodore Parker is f u l l y discussed. Then, beginning with the modified Calvin­ ism of the Edwardeans, he traces the descent o f the liberalism of the “New Theology” of Bushnell, Munger, Henry Ward Beecher, Egbert and Newman Smyth, Lyman Abbott, Washington Glad­ den, and George A. Gordon. In the sec­ tion on Modernism, he analyzes-the teach­ ings o f Shailer Mathews and Dr. Fos- dick as typical o f the views o f this school. He reaches the conclusion that “the liberal theology has forfeited its right to the name of Christian, since it denies just those things which historic Chris­ tianity has always claimed as its heart- truths.” The book is more than a series of bi­ ographies, or the story of religious con­ troversies. It gives a concise but quite complete history of the down grade of liberal theology in the United States, tracing the gradual process until it finally ceases to be Christian. It is a volume which will repay careful study and will leave the student in no doubt as to. the correctness o f the general conclusions reached. 211 pages. 9j^x6Jdi inches. Board of Publication and Bible-School Work of the Reformed Church in America. Cloth. Price $2.50.

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features. There is an immense amount of Biblical material in a form that makes it immediately useful to preachers an d teachers. All who agree with Pastor Marsh that the Bibie is truly the Word of God, can make allowance for differences o f opinion regarding some of his conclu­ sions and yet find the volume a store­ house o f usable information. Sold by the author, Essex, England. 430 pages. Cloth. Price $2.75. — o— In twenty-six vivid chapters, the author sketches the lives of the outstanding leaders o f church history from the times of the earliest Church fathers down to the time o f Moody, Spurgeon and Hud­ son Taylor. Since history is so largely made up o f the achievements of the great leaders of men, one may gain a large in­ sight into the development o f church and national life as he studies the personal lives of these spiritual leaders. Dr. Wim­ berly has chosen to make his sketches brief, but has been at great pains to make them accurate. The perusal of these pages will give information, stimulate faith, and prompt to heroism in service. F. H. Revell Company. Cloth. $1.50. —o— The Earth the Theater of the Universe B y C larence H. B enson It is a delight to commend this book. The scientist who does not know the Beacon Lights of Faith B y C.-F. W imberly , D.D.

Bible, and the Bible student who is ig­ norant o f the best scientific knowledge, are both incompetent to discuss the ques­ tion of the relation of science to the Bible. But Mr. Benson has the unusual advantage of an excellent knowledge of the Book of books, and also a thorough training in modern science. He has no sympathy with “Uniformitarianism.” To him, the evidence from Scripture and from science is conclusive that a world created beautiful met with a catastrophe, and that the present age is a time of re­ construction. In like manner the human race suffered a tragic fall through the efforts of Satan, the destroyer, and must be redeemed. There is a glory age to come, but it must be introduced with a catastrophic experience. Finally, when the earth has been purified-by fire, it will be the capital o f the universe. To those who have been misled by pop­ ular but unscriptural evolutionary the­ ories o f the earth’s origin, development, and destiny, this volume will furnish much food for thought. 140 pages. Bible Institute Colportage Association. Cloth. Price $1.50. —o— The Rise and Development of Liberal Theology in America B y W infield B urggraaff These studies, offered as a thesis in fulfillment o f requirements for the de­ gree o f Doctor of Theology at the Uni­ versity of Amsterdam, are for the learned student rather than for popular reading. Beginning with the Calvinism o f the

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