King's Business - 1930-03

March 1930


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

is like that between a loving married couple who have a common purse, and absolute identity of interest and posses­ sion. Conducting his bride over their new home, the loving husband may say, as he points to this article of furniture and that, to one household treasure after another, to all the knick-knacks and rari­ ties, “ They are ‘for me and thee.” ’ So we may conceive Christ saying to His disciple as He leads him into the divine storehouse, where all His precious things are kept, “I am married unto thee; all Mine is thine.” The life He lived, O Christian, was not lived for Himself alone, but for Him and thee. The death He died was for Him and thee, and all the blessed consequences that accrue therefrom are the common property of Himself and thee. His very throne He will share with thee. Oh, come into this blessed partnership, and s h a r e this brother-clasp of “me and thee.” — Selected. —o— March 8 —“And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him” (Genesis 32:1). And there are angels o f God waiting for me today, or holding themselves in readiness to meet me, in order to smooth the way, and overcome difficulties, and accompany me, and bring to pass things that I could never do of myself. Jacob was nearing a great crisis of his life : the meeting again of his brother Esau. We are not told what the angels did for Jacob; it is not necessary; they met him, that is enough. God never asks us to enter upon any difficulty alone. His own Son Christ dwells within us; and His appointed messengers, His angels, meet and accompany us to work with us. Surely there is nothing for me to fear to­ day !—Messages for the Morning Watch. I dare not be afraid since round my feet Are bound the glorious promises of God; I clasp them to my heart, prepared to meet Whate’er may come, whether at home, abroad, Or what the future holds of joy or care, My God has promised I shall find HIM there. —o— March 9 —“ That God would fulfil in you all the good pleasure of his goodness and the work o f faith with power” (2 Thess. 1:11). All the experiences o f life come to us as tests, and as we meet them, our lov­ ing Father is watching with intense and jealous love, to see us overcome. But, if we fail, He is deeply disappointed, and our adversary is filled with joy. We are a gazing-stock continually for angels, and principalities, and every step we take is critical and decisive for something in our eternal future. When Abraham _went forth that morning to Mount Moriah, it was an hour o f solemn probation. When he came back he was one of God’s tested men, with the stamp of His eternal appro­ bation. God could say, “I know him, that he will do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken.” God is looking for such men today. Lord, help me to be such an one.—A. B. Simpson. A hero is not fed on sweets, Daily his own heart he eats. Chambers o f the great are jails, And head-winds right for royal sails.

Earn Money FOR YOUR CHURCH, SCHOOL, OR SOCIETY, BY THE Werner Method Every one is follow ing the new, sensible style o f using the dainty linen effect crepe paper napkins at social gatherings and at hom e. On each napkin the person’s initial is beautifully em bossed. These are very inexpensive and save trem endously on the laundry. 100% Profit Every one is eager to have these, so they are easy to sell. In a m onth or tw o a repeat order can be secured w ith p ra c­ tically no effort. W R ITE US FOR FU LL INFORMATION A lso ask for sam ples o f our New DeLuxe Napkins There are occasion s when initialed nap­ kins are not appropriate,— when colored effects are desirable. T o m eet such de­ m ands w e have added a beautiful line of DeLuxe Napkins, made in five pastel shades and in white. They are heavier and finer in texture, and really a very dainty addition to any table. In alm ost every hom e it is as easy to sell several boxes o f b oth styles as it is to sell one. Send Coupon Now Get a box both Linen effect and DeLuxe Nap­ kins as a sample and see how easily you can sell them. If only one box Is desired, send 25 cents and designate which style napkin you wish. An order blank will be sent along for your convenience. Money refunded if not pleased. E. G. WERNER SONS CO. 236-242 Grape Street R eading, Pa. E. G. W erner Sons Com pany 236-242 Grape Street, Reading, Pa. Gentlemen: Enclosed find 50 cents. Send me a sample box Lin-effect Napkins, initial.................. and a sample box of DeLuxe Napkins (uninitialed). Also send further details and order blank. AFR IC A INLAND MISSION H eadquarters 373 Carlton A ve., Brooklyn, N. Y . Laboring among a score of tribes in Central and East Africa, but other tribes are still unreached by the missionary advance and are without the Gospel! Our Bible Training Schools have in them 125 E vangelist-Teachers alm ost ready to go forth, while m ore than 500 you ng men are being trained b y m issionaries at their station schools. The hope o f A frica lies in an A lm ighty Saviour, a whole Bible and a devoted native m inistry. The official m agazine Inland A frica and other literature describing this w ork o f faith mailed free on request. PRAY FOR DARK AFRICA HOMILETICS BY MAIL H aving sold 1000 sets o f **20 Lessons in H om iletics” at $ 1 per set, we plan to im prove and sell at $2. W e are closin g ou t present stock at $1 a set. If you want a set at $1 order now. W e also have 20 lessons each in Genesis, John, Revelation and Bible H istory and P roph ecy. These also sell at $1 a set, but will be raised to $2. W hile they last all 5 courses in loose-leaf binder fo r $5 postpaid. THE GOSPEL MINISTER Westfield, Indiana Name Address.............................................................. (23)

L E T YOUR G IF T TO FOREIGN MISSIONS, PAY YOU A LIFE INCOME You can make a generous gift to foreign missions and have a needed income for yourself and others from the money you give by the Annuity Gift Plan ^ This plan relieves you of uncertainty and worry caused by changing values of invested funds and assures you a fixed income of 4 V* % to 9 % per year for the rest o f your life A reserve fund o f over $1,500,000 \ guarantees the prompt payment of annuities to you. Protect yourself against loss through unwise investments and at the same time help send the gospel to all the world. For full information write Ernest F. Hall, Secretary, Dept • o f Annuities B oard of F oreign M issions o f the Presbyterian Church, U . S. A . 156 Fifth A venue, N ew Y ork The Menace of Freemasonry To the Christian Faith By Rev. C. Penney Hunt 95 pages, paper covers, 35c postpaid A most striking and thorough work tending to show the inconsistency of lodge membership with church membership. National Christian Association 8 5 1 W . M a d ison S t. C h ica g o, Illin ois 5000 WANTED to sell Bibles. Testaments, good books and hand­ some velvet Scripture mottoes. Good commission. S e n d f o r F r e e C a t a lo g a n d P r i c e L is t G E O R G E W . N O B L E , P U B L I S H E R Dept. No. 7C, Monon Bldg., Chicago, III. C h u r c h f u r n it u r e Everything for Church and Sunday School use. From Factory to Yon. Finecatalogfree.' DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1 1 5 1 S o u th 4 th S t., G re e n v ille , Illinois

Our new address: 29-31 W . Lake Street


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