King's Business - 1930-03


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

March 1930

manifested. For in one form or another we have all similarly realized our weak­ ness and insufficiency before some task to which we have been inwardly pledged and urged. It is, indeed, part o f God’s discipline of His servants at all times, to give them work entirely beyond the range of their own powers. For only so are they driven to the secret springs o f that high courage and endurance by which alone their commission can be fulfilled. We have to learn that God’s appointments and His apportionments are always equal. God always takes what a man has and makes use of it for His own witness and in His work. Moses’ rod, the symbol of his shep­ herd calling, and at best but a poor weapon either o f offense or defense, is yet quite enough, for God if it is but at His disposal. For He can so transform it into a living thing of power and action that it becomes an indisputable evidence of His own reality. Thus it is that He queries, not only o f Moses, but of us also—“What is that in thine hand?” Our nature with its capacity, and our calling with its opportunity, are charged with po­ tentiality if laid at His feet. .We have, each one of us, all that is necessary to glorify Him before the proud world, and to add something to the fulfillment of His purpose of deliverance. —>Rev. J. Stuart Holden. — o — March 25— “Mighty signs and wonders by the power o f the Spirit o f God” (Rom. 15:19). If the Church would only enter into possession of what has been won for her through the sacrifice of h e r HEAD, would she not be able with certainty to claim that all the antagonism o f evil should be utterly broken, and men and money loosed, by virtue of the precious blood of CHRIST, for a victorious prose­ cution of her missionary obligations ? Calvary is the call to the Church, irre­ spective of denomination, to let slip her grave-clothes, and to enter into the most aggressive warfare against the strong­ holds o f evil, even as it is a command to receive the full supply of the HOLY GHOST, and to put on her beautiful garments in anticipation of the coming of her HEAD.— Rev. Gordon B. Watt. — o — March 26— “ Christ Jesus, who o f God is made unto us wisdom” (1 Cor. 1 :30). “According to the riches o f His grace” (Eph. 1 :7). Make full use of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. When you surrendered yourself to Him, in some deeper sense He surren­ dered Himself to you. He placed at your disposal all His resources o f grace and love and wisdom and power; and having done that, the Lord wants you to make use of all these. He asks you to do it. He urges you to do it. You will gladden Him if you do it. And you will grieve Him if you do not,' Is not that an amazing fact? One can hardly utter that simple statement without longing, to get down on one’s knees and in silence adore Him for the grace and love implied in that simple statement.— Dr. Charles Inwood. March 27— “Hope thou in God” (Psa. 42:11).

called to him “the second time” (Gen. 22:15) and blessed him. Jonah found the way of true repentance when God spoke to him “the second^ time” (Jonah 3:1). Peter learned the lesson of God’s love for all mankind when He caused His voice to be heard “the second time” (Acts 10:15). And here Solomon was confirmed in God’s willingness and ability to answer his longings and yearnings, when God came to him “the second time” and said, “1 have heard thy prayer.” Look out for God’s “second time.”— Rev. S. M. Warner. —o— March 22— “In him dwelleth all the ful­ ness o f the Godhead bodily" (Col. 2:9). That tells you that in the fountainhead is the boundless and limitless supply of the treasures of grace and knowledge of God; they are all hidden in Christ from every unbelieving eye, from every unbe­ lieving and disobedient heart, but opened as. soon as you take Him as the Key to the treasure-house, and bring there a humble, believing heart to drink out of His fulness. In the two closing verses of the first chapter of First Corinthians it is said that “Jesus Christ is made unto us of God wisdom and righteousness, and sanc­ tification and redemption.” So that from beginning to end, all of it is in Him, and it is only as we get Him in greater ful­ ness and clearness and reality in our hearts, that those things become to us practical possessions within, and evi­ dence o f Christ without, in our lives. “If ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” A divine, eternal, incorruptible inheritance, yet to be ours. What a satisfying, com­ plete blessing that is ! “In thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” O brethren, look up and praise and bless Him for the blessing He is to you. Take .hold of it boldly and confess it plainly. Tell others that you have a past in Christ that is settled for ever, you have a present that is clothed in God’s power, and a fu­ ture inheritance that is hid in God’s glory, waiting for the day when He has ripened you for it.— Rev. Hubert Brooke, M.A. —o— March 23— “ The exceeding greatness of his power to usward who believe” (Eph. 1 :19). The resurrection of Christ was the greatest exhibition of divine power ever put forth in this world’s history. At the Creation God commanded, and a thing stood fast; but when His Sort was raised from the dead, it meant the putting forth o f “the might of His strength.” But the most wonderful thing of all is that this almighty power is TO US­ WARD WHO BELIEVE. One almost gasps at the thought. It means that the whole of the surpassing greatness of the power of God is placed at our disposal, thereby enabling us not only to live ac­ cording to His will, but also to render to Him the most effective service of which, BY HIS GRACE, we are capable. . .. -v -Ernest Barker. —o— March 24— “ W h a t is that in thine hand?” (Ex. 4:2). Knowing so much of Egypt and so lit­ tle o f God as he did at the time, it is not difficult to imagine nor to justify the re­ luctance to confront Pharaoh which he

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