King's Business - 1930-03

To Mark the Twentieth Milestone of THE KING’S BUSINESS Y\7E are Making an Exceptional * v 1Anniversary Subscription Offer” giving you or anyone else $5.00— *-CASH-*-«$5.00 For Every Ten Yearly Subscriptions Sent Us at the Special Reduced Rate of $1.00 Each (25 cents additional for each foreign subscription.) T HE plan is an easy one to follow— as easy as getting subscriptions themselves, for The King s Business always appeals wherever it’s known and shown! You simply keep $5.00 out of the $10.00 you get for the !0 subscriptions— you may also keep 50 cents for each additional subscription over the ten, mailing the balance only to us. For every 5 yearly subscriptions you get at the special $1.00 rate, you send us only $3.00! For fewer than 5 subscriptions, pay us $1.00 each, as this special low dollar rate will apply while Anniversary Offer holds good. Renewals of OLD subscriptions as well as NEW ones! Entire Offer Expires June 30, 1930


TH E PED A G O G Y OF ST . PAUL B y H ow a rd T illm an K uist, A .M ., P h .D . An analysis of the method of Paul, a Master Teacher. The author discusses such questions as “ What are St. Paul’s qualifications as a teacher? What are the psychological elements of his appeal? What methods did he use? What results did he accomplish? 170 pages, cloth. Formerly sold at $1.75, but now out of print. As an exceptional opportunity for our readers, we are now offering: A Copy of Publisher’s $1.75 Edition with One Years’ Subscription [new or renewal] to THE KING’S BUSINESS. The equivalent of a $3.00 total value is now yours U*1 for ......................................................... ¡ P I . / O

STUDIES IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST By A. M. Fairbairn, D.D. Eighteen chapters, each a striking portrait of Christ. 360 pages, cloth. Not an exhaustive and critical study, but a clear interpretation, making the Lord Jesus Christ more real and better understood. Valuable in connection with the International Sun­ day School Lessons, January-June, 1930. The book had a large sale at the original $1.50 price. It is now out of print, but we have secured a limited number of copies allowing us to offer: A Copy of the Original $1.50 Edition with One Year’ s Subscription [new or renewal] to THE KING’S BUSINESS giving you C A a $3.75 value for..........................

(The book alone, special at 75c— or 90c postpaid.)

(The book alone, special at $1.00— or $1.15 postpaid.)


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