King's Business - 1930-03



Every Bible Lover WILL BUY The Chain Reference BIBLE Practically all of the great Christian leaders in the last decade have been users and praisers of the Chain Reference Bible. Many of the strongest publications have recommended it as the very best to their readers. Now this Bible that won such acclaim has been improved. New features have been added to make it more helpful for all. A few minutes inspec­ tion of its unique features will convince you that this is the most helpful Bible published and why it is becoming the fastest selling Reference Bible. Every Pastor Needs It When they are shown how much more helpful it is than any other

Every Bible Student Needs It T o becom e a good student is a difficult undertaking. It requires taxing the brain and m em ory to the limit. Naturally the m ore com plicated the m ethod o f study, the m ore laborious it is and the less is re­ tained from it. For students o f the Bible, the New Chain Reference Bible is a great simplifier. N o t

Surely if anyone needs a rapid working Bible with real practical helps it is the man who is devoting his life to thè inspiration o f others. N ot only does he need quick and com ­ prehensive helps for the preparation o f his sermon, but so often is called on to find just the r i g h t Scripture pass­

Compare These 30 Features With Other Bibles:

only does it make “ g r e a t H ig h ­ w a y s ” through t h e Scriptures but reveals the truths that are hidden to t h e average person and lends a fa s­ cination to the study that brings b o t h a delight o f a c c o mplish- ment and know l­ edge. Free Book Describes It The s p a c e on t h i s p a g e is much too small to do justice to this m ost helpful B i­ ble. W e h a v e

ages, in m atters o f stress, sad­ ness and the p er­ sonal perplexities o f his parishion­ ers. In the New Chain R eference’ Bible he virtually has in a single h a n d y volum e the substance of a great m a n y Biblical R e f e r ­ ence w orks. No longer need his desk be litterèd w i t h books of reference, exege­ sis and. comm en­ tary. Ministers

Christian Representatives Wanted

The Analysis of the Bible as a whole. The Analysis of the Books of the Bible. The Analysis of the Chap­ ters. Expository Verse Analysis. Chain Reference System. Combined Chain Reference and numerical System. Text Cyclopedia. Exhaustive Topical Index. The Biographical Analysis. Special Bible Readings. The Topical Treasury. Outline Studies of B i b l e Periods. Origin and Growth of Eng­ lish Bible. Pictorial Illustration of the River of Inspiration. Contrast between Old and New Testaments. Portraits of Christ. Golden Chapters of the Bible. Christian Workers’ Outfit. Christ’s Hours on the Cross. Places for Religious Wor­ ship. Temple of Truth. Bible Atlas and Geography. Bible Markings. Graph of the Prodigal Son. Principles and Best Meth­ ods of Bible Study. Messianic Stars. Concordance. Bible Harmonies. Memory Verses. Bible Memories.

2 .

Earn Money. Many K irkbride Representatives have been making $10.00 to $150.00 a week accordin g to the am ount o f time devoted to the w ork and ability. This new Im proved edition will be easier than ever before to sell and the salesman’s earning will be larger. Sales made by mail are credited to salesmen in their territory. It ca n ­ not be purchased in stores. Render a Christian Service. No one •but earnest Christians need apply. The selling o f the Chain R eference Bible is d is­ tinctly a service for our Lord and Master since it helps . others to better know ' His will and teachings.

4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9.

10. I 1. 12 .

a r e am ong the greatest boosters o f t h i s unique work. No scholar is too learned to find it useful. Every Teacher Needs It

prepared, however, a little book in tw o colors that describes each of the features and shows just how they are applied to your Bible study, Bible reading and Bible teaching problem s. If you are not familiar with the New Chain Reference Bible and want to get the m ost out o f the Scriptures, you ow e it to yourself to get this free book. Send Coupon NOW Don’t delay. If you want to be a Kirkbride repre­ sentative reserve your territory before someone else secures the exclusive rights to your community. If you are interested in buying a Bible also act while you realize how much this Bible will help you. If you are not satisfied with your purchase after you have examined it for 5 days, your money will be refunded on return of the Bible in good condition. B. B. KIRKBRIDE BIBLE COMPANY Desk K-l-305 Meridian Life Building, Indianapolis, Ind. □ Send me free of charge a copy of book de­ scribing and giving prices of Chain Reference Bibles. □ I am • interested in becoming your representa­ tive in my locality.


Bible Teachers and Sunday School T each ­ ers follow this calling not for personal gain or glory, but that they m ay do those they teach the m ost good. M ost teachers are extrem ely busy people and the hours o f preparation that are required o f them are usually taken from som ething else. The New Chain R eference Bible not only lessens this preparation tim e but supplies new items o f interest which increase the attendance in their classes and effective­ ness o f their teaching. Every Christian Home Needs It Christian Parents are evgr perplexed just how they can keep the young people inter­ ested in the Bible and things spiritual. Many found the Chain R eference Bible to be the solution o f this problem . The v a ­ rious chains that lead through the Bible invariably supply a new interest alm ost akin to a game. A lso practically every subject o f fam ily or comm unity interest is contained in the com prehensive helps.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

B. B. Kirkbride Bible Company Meridian Life Building Indianapolis, Ind.



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