Haggadah Companion /ISSUE V / PASSOVER 5784

About the Contributors

Eliezer Barany Azrieli Graduate School Doctoral Fellow, High School Rebbi at Posnack Jewish Day School. In times of לכלותינו עלינו עמד I think of how God has a constant bond with the Jewish people, which will be unbro- ken and unchanging, and think about the nation’s guaranteed positive future. Esti Hecht MS student at Azrieli, graduating May 2024. Co-director of Chabad AU, founder of Hebrew School to You in Washington, DC. To deal with “amad aleynu” I remember that our family has a catchphrase “OHK” — Only Hashem Knows. I try to keep this in mind and take one day (or hour!) at a time, reminding myself that every- thing is part of a plan, even if I haven’t been let in on what the plan is. Jill Jarecki-Mainzer Azrieli Graduate School Doctoral Fellow, Teacher / Mentor at Atlanta Jewish Academy To deal with “amad aleynu” I remem- ber that throughout Jewish history we have had challenges. But we always get through them by being grateful for what we have, by davening, by sticking together, by doing chesed, and by holding fast to Torah and our traditions. I focus on the idea that each person and family can play a role in moving Am Yisrael forward and getting to b’shanah ha’ba-ah b’Yerushalyim. Then I try to do my part!

Sari Kopitnikoff Azrieli MS alumnus (’12), and creator of That Jewish Moment , thatjewishmoment.com, providing creative Jewish educational materials. I deal with amad aleynu and stay hopeful with imagination! I love to envision a warm hug with my great- great-great grandmother, maybe after eating some of her homemade cheese blintzes, and I imagine the chizzuk she’d give me. For thousands of years, we’ve gone through it all, always with our eyes on what’s ahead; and it helps me to think back to those who came before me. Moshe Krakowski , PhD Professor, Director of Doctoral Program, Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education. I stay hopeful and focused on beshana haba’ah beYerushalayim through the recognition that in every generation there are those who are “amad aleynu” and nevertheless we are still here, despite it all. Aharon Nissel Azrieli MS student and Beit Midrash fellow at SAR High School. One thing that helps me transition from amad aleynu and get to b’shana haba b’Yerushalyim is Talmud Torah, which keeps me connected to our mesorah.

Rona Milch Novick , PhD Dean, Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Adminstration, Raine & Stanley Silverstein Chair in Ethics. I stay hopeful and focused on beshana haba’ah beYerushalayim by remembering wonderful moments I’ve been blessed with, and by thinking of blessings to come, and especially wonderful moments b’Yerushalayim!. Laya Salomon , EdD sAssociate Professor, Director of the Master’s Program, Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education. I stay hopeful and focused on beshana haba’ah beYerushalayim by thinking that with negative challenges comes the potential to come out stronger and better because of it, with newfound appreciation for life and for others. I envision a better version of myself and am Yisroel and this gives me comfort and strength. Moshe Sokolow , PhD Associate Dean, Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration. I stay hopeful and focused on beshana haba’ah beYerushalayim with the words of Ibn Ezra: העבר—אין, העתיד—עדיין, ההוה— כהרף עין. דאגה מניין? The past—is gone; the future—is yet to be; the present—is fleeting. Why worry?



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