Haggadah Companion /ISSUE V / PASSOVER 5784

Ask each child one of the questions below, or create your own. With each answer the child moves forward to the next stepping stone. • Name a place Jewish people lived long ago. • Where did Pharaoh live? • Name someone who did not like/was not good to the Jewish people. • What is the special bread the Jews took to travel from Egypt? • What do we have on our seder table that tastes bitter to remind us of hard times? • Name a place Jewish people live today. • Name something that was hard for the Jewish people in Egypt. • What is something that was hard for the Jewish people on their trip? • Name one of the plagues that happened in Egypt. • Who did Hashem send to help the Jews leave Egypt? • Did Pharaoh listen to Moshe? When each child arrives at the challenge stone tell him/her that just as the Jewish people had some challenges they needed to get past, this is challenge you need to pass—but don’t worry—Hashem always helps us. Ask each child to answer either: • Name something Hashem does to help us. • What is one way we thank Hashem for all he does to help us? For increased excitement, have an adult swoop in and carry/dance the child to the next stepping stone singing Hashem is here, Hashem is there, Hashem is truly everywhere. Continue the game until all children have successfully “stepped” to the table.

ACTIVITY 2: STEPPING STONES The journey from Egypt was not easy. The Jews came to the Red Sea, and weren’t sure what to do. Then they were in a desert with no water. There were times when people tried to hurt them. Each time there was a problem or challenge,they took a step and another step and with Hashem’s help—they eventually made it all the way to the Land of Israel. We are going to take some steps and pass some challenges too! Place 5 “stepping stones” (use paper napkins) in paths leading towards the seder table— one path for each of the children at the seder. The third “stone” in each path is a “challenge” and shouldbe a different color than the others. Children begin on the stone farthest from the table.



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