Coldharbour Lane, Loughborough Junction SW9 8SH


EPC Unit 274: B rating Unit 280: A rating


274 280 £33,000 £33,000

Rent (pa)

For further information about the building or to arrange a viewing please contact our enquiries team: ENQUIRIES +44 (0)800 830 840


Service charge (pa)



Insurance (pa)



Available on The Arch Company’s Standard Tenancy Agreement typically 3 or 6 years subject to negotiation. Other lease terms available. All agreements will be granted outside Sections 24-28 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 Part II.

Business Rates (pa)

£7,930 £7,930

Indicative monthly costs: Unit 274 £2,600 Unit 280 £3,500

All figures quoted are exclusive of VAT which is applicable.

We advise checking exact business rate amounts with the VOA.

The Code for Leasing Business Premises in England & Wales (2020). We strongly recommend that all interested parties refer to this Professional Statement from the RICS and seek professional advice from a Chartered Surveyor before signing a business tenancy agreement. All properties are offered subject to contract and availability. These particulars are believed to be correct when published, but we cannot accept any liability whatsoever for any misrepresentation made either in these particulars or orally. Intending purchasers or tenants are strongly advised to make their own enquiries to check these particulars to satisfy themselves that the property is suitable for their purchase. They may be subject to VAT. Particulars issued April 2024.


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