CABAS Talking About Alcohol

KEEPING IT REAL Prepare for the conversation by knowing some general facts about underage drinking. Here are a few to start with: BINGE DRINKING IS BAD NEWS: Binge drinking is drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time (specifically 5 drinks for males and 4 drinks for females in 2 hours).This kind of consumption is more likely to lead to overdose, assault, serious injury, and poor choices including the choice to drive after drinking. YOUNG PEOPLE DRINK DIFFERENTLY: The young brain has not yet developed the tools to protect itself from the damaging effects of alcohol. When youth drink, research shows they do it to get drunk and binge drink more often than most adults. DRINKING UNDERAGE CAN HAVE LIFELONG EFFECTS: Adults who started drinking at age 15 or 16 (or earlier) are five times more likely to be alcohol dependent than those who started drinking after age 21. COFFEE DOESN’T WORK: Once ingested, the liver starts to work trying to filter out the toxin of alcohol. It can only filter so much and work so fast.There is no proven way, other than time, to sober someone up faster. Coffee, exercise, fresh air, and showers will not work.

Download the full handbook online at powerofparents for more facts about underage drinking. Know the actual data versus common assumptions so you can set appropriate rules and consequences.

8 Keeping it Real

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