King's Business - 1962-09

A s w e w a t c h the changing panorama of world events, the evangelical Christian comes face to face with the fact that the United Nations and its philosophy is in de­ finite conflict with true, Biblical Christianity. One world- ism or world centralization may sound like a good thing to the untrained, unspiritual mind, but certainly is not of God. This thing can easily become the devouring mon­ ster that will turn and destroy those who created it. Many there are who will argue that world government will result in world communism. Such a “ one world” government could decide eventually most, if not all, of the details of our daily living — within our educational system, on radio, television, film, press, and armed forc­ es. Eventually there could be carried out in this world super-state the mongrelizing of all races. Certainly if this were the will of God He would not have prevented it, as the record reveals. In connection with this, it is interesting to note the content of William Ernest Hacking’s Book, “ The Coming World Civilization.” From a review of the book by Surjit Singh, Professor of Christian Philosophy in the San Fran­ cisco Theological Seminary, I take the following para­ graph, which shows the sinister and destructive philoso­ phy in such thinking: “The author believes neither in the equal validity of all religions nor in any easy syncretism. Being appre­ ciative of the universal and historical elements in religion he keeps open the possibility of a universal religion. He thinks it will be reconceived Christianity, although per­ haps not known or recognizable under that name. It is perhaps more apt to say that in the coming world civi­ lization Christianity will be thrown together with other religions in the crucible of common worship, fellowship, and inter-change, and by imparting its maturity to oth­ ers and incorporating ‘the spiritual iron’ of the East it will be transformed into the religion, not Christian, but the universal religion which will minister to the motiva­ tions of civilization. This is the empirical way the Chris­ tian religion becomes the nameless universal religion.” This foreshadows a very dark picture for evangelical Christianity. More and more at the grass roots level, there is an awakening to the situation. We are not alarmists, but we refuse to be regimented into a program which, in the light of all the evidence that we have, seems to be contrary to the basic revelation of Scripture, regardless of how high and noble its motives may sound. Some of the things that stand out in this subtle con­ flict with the Christian church, based upon the Word of God, the Bible, need to be pointed out. Already before us is the common danger of one-worldism — the mongre­ lizing of all races which is manifested in inter-marriage and inter-mingling of races, which according to many Bible scholars is contrary to Scripture. We do not mean that there is any superiority of races nor that there should be any discrimination. Something else involved in this world centralization that would be very advantageous for Satan in accom­ plishing his main desire is the destruction of the church of Christ and the establishment of his Satanic kingdom. It is no secret that the proponents of the world government idea in many cases are in favor of forbidding our mis­ sionaries from entering any country that is non-Christian. Their philosophy generally is that whatever faith is strongest in each nation should have the sole power of determining what religious practice would be carried on therein. That would mean that if in America fifty-one per cent of the people were non-Christian, then Thanks­ giving, Easter, Christmas and all things pertaining to the Christian Church could be, and perhaps would be, abol­ ished and atheism could become our national faith. Let us also take for example the matter of the world

calendar which the proponents are endeavoring to work out through the United Nations which revision would destroy the seven day week cycle of time as set forth in Genesis. It would not be long before the Lord’s Day would be scrambled throughout the other days of the week, and it would be practically impossible for churches to wor­ ship on His true day. It is also significant that the entire philosophy of the United Nations, which is anti-biblical, is centered in man and only in man. It is based upon the premise that we, that is the United Nations, can do this and can do that. Such a philosophy that rules out divine leader­ ship can only result in eventual harm. Certainly this has characterized the U. N. from its very inception and God has been politely but firmly ruled out. Every Bible student is aware that in our present era or dispensation, world government and world centraliza­ tion is that which is connected with and largely con­ trolled by the prince of the air, or the power of darkness, Satan himself. They further know it is his pattern and policy throughout the ages, as has been pointed out from the Scriptures. It is also quite clear as we move toward the end of this age that there will be a great superhuman effort to bring about that very thing. We see it taking place today in almost every department of life and even within the visible church, with ecumen­ icity and church union at times displacing the Gospel. It is something that appeals to the emotions of people, it tickles their ears. They speak of it as being that which is spiritual, good, uplifting, a step in the right direction, whereas the poor, blinded souls do not know that they are sounding their own death knell and moving forward into the shackles of the bondage of Satan himself. Unity of the Spirit is one thing — unity by man is another.



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