King's Business - 1962-09

C l i i * i s t i a . n ’ s O r T b i t

by L.S. Chafer Great Bible Student and Teacher Unfolds the great doctrines of The Cross, Redemption and Eternal Security — the A lpha and Om ega of God's love. 149 pages, $2.50 Read these Chafer Titles TRUE EVANGELISM — a message that is revolutionary in soul winning, the work of all believers. 143 pages, $2.50 HE THAT IS SPIRITUAL $2.50 KINGDOM IN HISTORY AND PROPHECY $2.50 GRACE (Am azing Truths) $3.00 AT YO UR BOOKSTORE

by G. Christian Weiss

D ue to the fact that I was con­ fined to my home recuperating from a heart illness on February 20, I was privileged to see the entire proceedings of Colonel John Glenn’s triple orbit flight around the earth. I could not help being impressed by the extreme care taken in every detail of this phenomenal space trip. Not a single detail, no matter how minute or major, extensive or expen­ sive, was spared to make the flight safe and successful. It may not ac­ tually be possible for even the gov­ ernment to compute the actual ex­ pense involved in putting a man in orbit around the earth for the first time in American history. The eyes of the entire nation were upon the monumental trip of Colonel Glenn. Millions of people in our country were at their television and radio sets during the entire time. Thousands of newsmen gave every minute of the day to covering the flight. All normal TV and radio broad­ casts were suspended for the day, in order that all time might be devoted to giving full coverage to this extra­ ordinary event. Not only did this phenomenal event claim the interest of millions of peo­ ple and the bulk of the communica­ tion facilities of our own nation; the same was true for practically all ma­ jor nations of the earth. Even the Soviet Union gave an hour-by-hour report over their radio network, ac­ cording to information received. Ev­ ery part of the civilized world altered its schedule of life on February 20 in order to listen carefully to the news as it was relayed around the earth regarding the progress of the orbital flight. What was the purpose of it all? Why three years of preparation for this event? Why multiplied millions of dollars invested in it? Why risk a man’s life for the purpose? Why put

a man into space? Why plan to re­ peat the same thing in the future, on a far greater scale? Certainly the government, from its point of view, strategically, politically, militarily, feels that there was good reasn for all the time, money, and effort ex­ pended for this achievement. While pondering these things, something else came to my mind with genuine solemnity. God has a spiri­ tual orbit marked out for the Chris­ tian — more accurately, I should say for His Church. Jesus marked out this orbit for His disciples when He told them to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all mankind. They were to encircle the earth with God’s message of salvation and grace through His atonement on the cross. Nothing less than encircling the en­ tire earth with the program of evan­ gelization will fulfill the plan of God or satisfy the heart of our Saviour or meet the needs of mankind. This is God’s plan. This is the orbit of the Church’s ministry. “ Jerusalem . . . Judaea . . . Samaria . . . uttermost part of the earth.” Two things were inevitable if the Church of Christ was to complete God’s plan of carrying the gospel lit­ erally around the earth. The first thing was the power necessary to send the Church into orbit on this mis­ sion. The second thing was the in­ evitable cost involved in such a pro­ gram. The power required of the Church to fulfill this mission had to be di­ vine. Jesus promised the power of His Holy Spirit. The promise is very clear in Acts 1:8; “Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be wit­ nesses unto me . . . unto the uttermost part of the earth.” The initial thrust of the Church into a world orbit took place on the day of Pentecost. What a mighty thrust it was! It was the

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