King's Business - 1962-09


Over 200,000 Good Drivers, Who Don't Drink, Have This EXTRA PROTECTION-AT LOW COST Alcohol is involved in more than one out of every four fatal traffic accidents. Drink-drive accidents cost thousands of lives — injuries — and millions of dollars in damage every year! All this costs money — money that insurance companies pay out in claims — money that the policyholders must pay in premiums. Preferred Risk Mutual Insurance Company insures N O N -D R IN K E R S O N L Y . . . These Preferred Risk drivers do not pay for the high cost of drink-drive accidents, yet they have far more protection than “ standard” auto policies give. "CANCEL-PROTECTION” 5 YEAR GUARANTEE - FREE YOU GET THESE PREFERRED RISK DISCOUNTS

HEARTS FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT Ephesians 5:18(b) “ Be Filled with the Spirit” 1. The Singing Heart (vrs. 19) 2. The Thankful Heart (vrs. 20) 3. The Humble or Submissive Heart (vrs. 21) — Dr. John Hubbard TH R EE BIBLE CHEERS 1. The "cheer" of forgiveness: Be of good cheer, thy sins be forgiven thee. Matthew 9:2 2. The "cheer" of comfort Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid. Matthew 14:27 3. The "cheer" of victory Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33 T H E D R AM A OF L IF E IN T H R E E A C T S Luke 14:11-13 I. The First Act: Wandering Aw ay from Home (Th e Nature of Sin) Scene 1: The youth in his sumptuous home. The beginning of sin: desire to be independent of the Father. Scene 2: The youth with his portion leaves home. The growth of sin: his heart went first, then his feet. II. The Second Act: Desolation in a Far Country (Th e Fruits of Sin) Scene 1: Gaiety. First fruit of sin: pleasure. Scene 2: Hard times. Second fruit of sin: want. Scene 3: Utter wretchedness. Third fruit of sin: degradation and abject slavery. III. The Third Act: The Wanderer’s Re­ turn H ome Again (Th e Remedy for Sin) Scene 1: The boy’s thoughts are turned homeward and fatherward. Serious reflection is the first ingredi­ ent in the remedy for sin and its bitter consequences. Scene 2: H is threefold resolution.

“ Cancel-Protection” is your 5-YE A R W R IT­ TEN GUARANTEE that your auto liability insurance cannot be canceled by the company because you have an accident — or more than one accident. TH IS IS YOUR PROTEC­ TION AGAINST CANCELLATION — an E X T R A BENEFIT OF TREMENDOUS VALUE — given to you at no charge, when you receive the full 25% Discount for acci­ dent-free driving under Preferred Risk’s Merit Rating Plan (except where prohibited by state law.) Hundreds of thousands o f good drivers, w h o don 't drink, are enjoying these extra protections at lo w cost. If you d on 't drink, you “ belong” w ith this group of Preferred Drivers. PREFERRED RISK MUTUAL auto insurance is v a lid an d effective in every state o f the United States.

Your Preferred Risk rates are tai­ lored to your own driving situation— when you deserve lower rates, YOU


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6000 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa Please send me, without obligation, complete information on your automobile Insurance for Total Abstainers. I am • total abstainer, and bave had no accidents for the past 3 □ or 5 □ years, (check one) , .......... ............. Address________________________ ' i“ ve had my driver's license City.__________ ______________________________________State________________________________________ m n. Occupation................................................. ...No. of Cars in Family.--------------- I t Z & S f Make of Car...............................Model______________.Year.....™.__ No. of cyls.,... course- GYesONo Circle Owner of This Car MYSELF PRINCIPAL DRIVER ALL OTHER DRIVERS 1. 2. 3. BIRTH DATE SEX MARRIED Car Is Used fqn Business □ Pleasure □ To and fromwork ....miles one way Am erica’s first Total Abstainer's Automobile Insurante Company Not available in New York, New Jersey. Massachusetts. North Carolina, or Virginia. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AGENCY INQUIRIES INVITED My Auto Insurance Expires: Month....... Day._____.... Year. ____... Name ___________

a. T o go to his father. b. T o confess his sin. c. T o seek acceptance.

Scene 3: His welcome home. “ He arose and came to his father.” The father is watching for him, and seeing him coming, runs to meet him and welcomes him with the best he has. — R. A. Torrey



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