King's Business - 1962-09

Christian Dentist Uses Magazine W hile patients wait for their ap­ pointments in the office of Bev­ erly Hills dentist, Dr. A. Clifton Han­ na, their eyes generally fall on the colorful covers of The King’s Business magazine. With something at which to glance, they first notice a little sticker which states, “ Please feel free to take this copy home with you. You will want to read more of the inspiring articles inside.” This is one of the distinctive ways in which The King’s Business maga­ zine is used each month in offices of doctors and dentists. Dr. Hanna reg­ ularly receives 12 copies of the publi­ cation. His wife takes the time to type out the stickers for (the cover and then prominently displays them on one of the reading tables in the waiting room. “ This usually affords an opportunity to witness when the patients are sitting in the chair,” Dr. Hanna points out.

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YOUR STUDENTS WILL BE SAYING THESE THINGS WHEN YOU START USING YOUR TRIAL COPY OF LIGHT AND LIFE TEACHER Note: In October, as you teach “ Basic Christian Beliefs,” what will you be— a liberal, or a con­ servative? It probably depends upon your pub­ lisher. Use Light and L ife TEACHER on the International Uniform Lessons for a thoroughly conservative evangelical treatment. W rite to “ The Publisher” for your free copy. L I G H T A N D L I F E P R E S S BO X 9F W IN O N A LAKE, IN D IA N A

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Western Augusta Highland

Deerfield, Virginia WABH 1150 kc, 11:00 A.M. “ The B ible Institute H our”

Bath Counties


Dr. Hanna and his nurse look over recent KING’S BUSINESS edition. In addition to his practice, Dr. Hanna is a busy Christian worker. He serves on the Board of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, is a Sunday School teacher in his home church, the First Baptist of West Los An­ geles, serves on the Board of Direc­ tors of the Radio Kids Bible Club as well as other Christian organizations. His offices afe open to students of the Biola School of Missionary Medicine who are studying techniques of den­ tistry for use on the field. Dr. and Mrs. Hanna have recently returned from a missionary survey trip to the Orient. They have visited some of the many ambassadors for Christ whom they have known through the years. The editors of The King’s Business certainly commend Dr. and Mrs. Han­ na for this unusual means of present­ ing the gospel testimony.

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