King's Business - 1962-09

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The Imminent Appearing of Christ By J. Barton Payne

ple of the extent to which the author goes to disprove the basic distinction between Israel and the church is his application of the promise of the new heart (Ez. 36:25-28), which is nor­ mally taken as a prophecy of the ful­ fillment of the New Covenant, to “ contemporary, Old Testament days . . .” (p. 128). While this study may in some cas­ es necessitate the re-thinking of cer­ tain statements made by both the pre- tribulationist and the post-tribulation- ist, it is doubtful whether it contains any arguments sufficiently cogent to disturb seriously either position. 191 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids; $3.75. — Reviewed by Robert Saucy. The ministry of our Lord contained both the methods of mass evangelism and personal soul-winning. However, the tendency of the average modem believer is to wait for the evangelist because personal soul-winning ap­ pears difficult and requiring of con­ siderable knowledge and technique. The present work brings personal soul-winning into the reach of every believer with the basic principles nec­ essary to introduce a person to Christ. Based upon the positive approach of presenting the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus, this method including four distinct steps uses only four sep­ arate Scripture verses. The presenta­ tion designed to control the conversa­ tion is to be used similarly in each instance. Psychological techniques are encouraged. However, these are not designed as a substitute for the work of the Holy Spirit but only to bring men face to face with the Saviour. The plan is simple and the result does confront men with the claims of Christ. The useableness of a standard approach by all types of personalities is perhaps open to question, but ev­ eryone interested in fishing for men will find this presentation well worth consulting. 76 pages; paper; Christian Supply, Baldwin Park, Calif.; $1.00. — Reviewed by Robert Saucy. Soul Winning is Easy By C. S. Lovett

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In a day when it is popular to claim the “ classical” position^ this work is no exception, for the author states that he “ attempts to re-express what seems to be the classical Christian hope relative to the sequence of events at Christ’s coming again.” (p. 7). Based upon the belief that the Bi­ ble presents the coming of Christ as “ one glorious event” and that event as “ imminent,” an attempt is made to work out a sequence of eschatologi­ cal events which allows for both of these beliefs (p. 105-60). In the face of the obvious Biblical prophetic signs which are to occur before Christ re­ turns and the desire to see this re­ turn as imminent, an intricate inter- pretational synthesis is proposed of these prophecies embodying “ the strong points of all three methods of prophetic interpretation: historical, futuristic, and past (or preterist) . . .” (p. 105-6). It is difficult to see how the author can accuse dispensational- ism of making prophecy so intricate that “many simple Christians are forced to leave prophecy alone . . . ,” after atempting to follow the sequence proposed in this study, particularly the events of the book of Revelation, even with the helpful chart provided. It is evident that considerable re­ search underlies this thesis. Almost every page has multiple footnotes and the text is permeated with Scripture references. However, the reviewer finds it difficult to follow some of the logic and interpretive principles used. The Reformers are said to be abso­ lutely correct in their historical meth­ od of interpretation which made the Pope the anti-Christ and yet “history has now proved that they were mis­ taken” (p. 26, 156). The variant read­ ing in the Greek text proves the in­ terchangeableness of “ the day of Christ” and “the day of the Lord” in 2 Thess. 2:2 (p. 60). To distinguish the “ children of Abraham” from the “ children of Israel” is trifling “in the light of the freedom with which Scrip­ ture equates the three patriarchs, Ab­ raham, Isaac, and Jacob,” and Leviti­ cus 26:42 is cited as proof. An exam­

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