s 75 th ANNIVERSARY "...THROUGH YOUR MERCY THEY ALSO MAY OBTAIN MERCY." Rom ans 11:31 M OR E P EO P L E W A N T TO KNOW HOW TO W ITNESS TO TH E J E W S . . . H E R E IS H O W . . . C O M E . . . • H elp celebrate 75 years o f A M F ’s continuous W itness to the Jews. • A ttend Annual C on vention o f T h e Fellowship o f Christian Testim onies to the Jews. • Join Jewish Evangelization Institute and W orksh ops. • H ear Prophetic Bible Messages— Every Evening. cCtikz, MIDWEST BIBLE CHURCH
I os A ngeles , C alifornia is blessed -i with fine Christian schools and churches, but it has something else! Mr. Richard R. Mathison is his in teresting book* has an intriguing chapter entitled, “Why California?” from which I quote a few excerpts: “ Last year a young man walked into the advertising offices of the conserva tive Los Angeles Times and bought a full-page advertisement which pro claimed the message that he — a few days before — had a long and inti mate chat with God. The same day he petitioned the courts to have his name changed to Jesus Christ II. Such goings-on would have caused raised eyebrows in other communities. But in Southern California it is all in a day’s work for ad men and lawyers alike . . . In this land of excessive re ligious zeal and careless skepticism, cults come and go like the orange blossoms, but never disappear. “ Steven McGroaty, summing up the matter decades ago, observed: ‘Los Angeles is the most celebrated of all incubators of new creeds, codes of eth ics, philosophies . . . It is the breeding place and rendezvous of freak relig ions . . .’ “ . . . There are weekly lectures on such alluring topics as how to cure alcoholism by yoga-breathing, how to attract cosmic rays to win a rich mate, how to tap the secret powers of the mind and stay young forever. One can attend séances to chat with late Aunt Minnie, Alexander the Great and Thomas Edison. There are reincarnation mediums to tell you what you were in past lives and what you will be in the future . . . One can get advice from the ‘theo-medical psy chologists’ on problems of child care, credit financing and fear of the A- bomb. There are courses in Hindu memory technique, how to develop extrasensory perception and become a crackerjack salesman, how to be guided in sex relations by the ‘astral spheres,’ advice for learning peace of mind through the secret mysteries of Tibet . . .” •From FA ITHS, CULTS AND SECTS OF AMERICA, copyright (c) 1960, b y Rich ard R. Mathison, reprinted b y permission of the publishers, The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc., Indianapolis.
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