King's Business - 1962-09

s fo rn a d e J/ iU e


AT KNOTT'S BERRY FARM s b j y i t f j f ,

When visiting BIOLA, it's con­ venient and enjoyable to stay at Farm de Ville. Mail the res­ ervation order blank below.

W h y d id G o d choose Abraham from among all the countless men of Chaldea, India, China, Africa, Asia and the Mediterranean world? Why, of all these men did He pick Abraham to establish a family to give the world the revelation of God in Holy Scripture? God must have had a very good reason. It was not wealth, it was not power, nor military might nor even personal bravery. There had to be a good reason. God does not leave us in ignor­ ance. Gen. 18:19 tells us for I know Him, that He will command His chil­ dren and His household after Him. God chose a leader and a patri­ arch who would seriously and effec­ tively set about establishing a family with a purpose, with loyalty to God. Does not God intend this to be our greatest effort? Have you ever noticed that when God wants a really big work done in this world that He sends a baby to do it? Surely, He does. There is Moses, Samuel and countless others including Paul. Need I mention that our Saviour, Lord and Redeemer was sent into this world in the form of a baby? But we need to notice, particularly, how careful God is in choosing par­ ents to care for such babies. Not only to care for but to teach and train the child in the knowledge of God. Moses’ parents were faithful and shrewd in the face of apparently cer­ tain death for the baby. They were yielded in God’s hands to accomplish God’s will for the baby Moses. Behold how well Hannah taught her son so that he lived righteously in the midst of sinful men. How faith­ ful Paul’s mother must have been. The scripture tells us that like Han­ nah she devoted Paul to the Service of the Lord before his birth. Modem fathers, Christian fathers, let me ask you, and answer this to your God. Would God choose you to be the father of a child messenger sent from God to work a great blessing for His people? Yes, you young fa­ thers, would God choose you?


\ Name & Address

& A ir Conditioned & Heated Pools & Deluxe Suites & Room Phones ß rophecv Tovers// . . Ô I l d ' ï a m o u s M cB IR N IE'S, INC. Courtesy Coffee and Kitchen Units ☆ T V ☆ HI-FI Major Credit Cards Honored

I Arrival Date Departure Date ...............— (jijgji, choice) Single □ Double □ ' 1 Number in party FARM DE V ILLE, 7878 Crescent at Beach Blvd. | (Highway 39) Buena Park, California, Phone: JA 7-2201 | Confirmation will be promptly sent. — B ob W elch , L orin G riset , Owners

n e u J s V E t u r


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P. O. BOX 4 7 0 — DEPT. KB

To identify yourself when writing advertisers just mention the King's Business.


"The Sweetest Music This Side of Heaven" with the Sane, Sound, Soul-Stirring Preaching of T. MYRON WEBB

Montrose, California • o ji Heard on selected stations across America Southern California Radio Stations 7 AM XEMO 860 kc 9 AM KBBI 107.5 FM 9 AM KIEV 870 kc 9 FM KBBI 107.5 FM



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