MORE MISSIONARIES NEEDED ALASKA - EUROPE 5 Bible-trained, dedicated mar
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Sc i ence and the Bibl by Bolton Davidbeiser Chairman, Science Division Biola College
ried couples or single persons are needed for general mis sionary work, evangelism and youth ministry in Alaska where the English language is used. Musical ability would be a great help. More Slavic-speak ing workers are needed for missionary work in Europe.
Peter Deyneka Work among German, French and other European people are needed. SOUTH AMERICA — trained Russian-speaking mis sionaries, already in South America, need support. You can have a personal representative on the field. For information write: SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION, INC. Peter Deyneka, General Director Dept. K 2434 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago 47, III. In Canada: P.O. Box 2, Station " K ," Toronto 12, Ontario Send for free magazine, the Slavic Gospel News, which describes our work. Order book MUCH PRAYER, M U CH POWER by Peter Deyneka, $1.50 ¿|SQ missionaries to Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business mage zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California. SCHOLS ..CHIIRCHES.JUSIONS, PORTABLES IgÖRGAN ' ' ' ' e a s y t o PLAY L.. BUILT SOLID v J^ II.S .O ip C o . Box2091 CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION Member Mission I.F.M.A. CORRESPONDENCE COURSES Reaching many in India and Pakistan Pray that tney be won to Christ. W rite for free literature 107-K North Hale St. • Wheaton, III.
would a wheel have a mouth? On the other hand, a wheel made of non-living material, like an oyster shell, would have to be elaborated by living tissue. For such a structure to be produced by the axle, its material would have to expand as it got far ther and farther from its place of origin. Damage to the rim could not be repaired as it would be the part farthest from the living axle. Even if all the anatomical and physiological problems were taken care of, as well as the lubrication, there would still remain the problem of how to make the wheels turn. The simplest solution would be to have a living wheelbarrow with wheels in front and legs behind, or a sort of horse-and-cart affair with legs in front and wheels behind. If a mechan ism such as is found in electric fish could be employed to set up magnetic fields in a certain way, maybe a wheel could rotate in its axle some thing like what would happen if a motor revolved around a fixed arma ture. Or a propeller might be turned by a jet emitted by the animal-—ex cept that it would not work in flight. But since the biologist admits that a structure cannot evolve if the inter mediate stages are not useful, he im plies that structures which would re quire such intermediate stages must have been created. For example, if bats evolved, they must have had an cestors which did not fly and which had front feet suited for running or climbing. Partially formed wings would be of no use for flying and front feet which were partially ex panded in the form of a bat’s wings would drastically hamper running and climbing. Thus bats must have been created. Almost any structure of man, ani mal, or plant would do as well as a bat’s wing as an illustration. But all this is just another indication that scientists are getting more careless in their writing, and it does not mean that they could be persuaded that they have made a mistake. In the matter of evolution, scientists have need of a greater faith than they realize.
n p H E R E microscopic animals -II- called rotifers or wheelworms which have structures that produce an optical illusion of wheels. But no animal really has wheels. Since no animal has wheels it might seem like idle speculation to consider whether or not it would be possible for ani mals to have them. Scientists, how ever, speculate on many things which may not seem pertinent to the non scientist and this matter is considered, though rather casually, in a book published a few years ago by a scien tist who is a professor of biology in a large university. The reader of the book is left with the impression that the lack of wheels in the animal king dom, and even the absence of flight by means of revolving propellers, is not due to anything intrinsically im practical in the wheel and axle for animals. It is presented as the conclu sion of both the biologist and an en gineer that the difficulty would be not with the wheels and propellers but with their evolutionary develop ment. It is stated that an animal can not have a structure which has no advantage during the stages of its evolutionary production, and hence wheels have not come about because a partially formed wheel is of no use. This implies that if animals were created instead of coming about through evolution, they could have wheels and they could have propel lers. The scientists are not considering creation, but the principle is the same, for intermediate stages would not occur in creation. But the Lord did not create animals with such ap pendages and a little thought reveals some of the reasons why they would not be practical for animals. A wheel made of living tissue would really be another distinct ani mal, for by its very nature a revolving wheel must be a separate entity from the axle. A wheel which got its nourishment by assimilation from the axle would be limited to a small size. To be larger it would have to have a digestive tract and excretory system of its own, which would interfere with its proper functioning. Where a r e
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