alumni news by Inez McGabey
(See helpful advertisement |---------- ‘on inside front cover)---------- | j EVANGELICAL BOOKS j Manhasset, New York Dept. K92 Please enroll me as a member of Evan gelical Books and send me a free copy of The New Testament, An Expanded Translation. I understand that my en rollment entitles me to all savings on I new books selected by the editorial [ board; that I may examine every selec- ' tion before deciding to purchase it; that I am not required to purchase any minimum number of books; and that with every two books I purchase I will receive a free dividend book.
Helena Wiebe ’52, Cebu City, Philip pines: “A young man in prison is able to expand his spiritual life through the study of God’s Word. Enrolled in our Bible Correspondence Course some months, ago, he is now receiving his diploma of completion for one of the courses . . . I am studying the Cebuano dialect, which is one of the more than 70 dialects here and is used by some nine million of the current 28 million population.” Bill and Bethel Webster ’AA, Hawaiian Hi-Way Fellowship, Honolulu: “ The Cen ter has profited in a small way from the summer work both in children and adult interest. One little girl was saved and several families have been added to the Sunday school and adult groups . . . In six areas the Gospel has been taken to those who otherwise would not hear it . . . but other large sections are com pletely unreached . . . He is a future challenge that must be met. There is con siderable growth in all our districts.” Marietta Pittman ’59: “ Our New Guin ea base of operations is a very pleasant spot in the highlands and quite a ‘little city’ of approximately 50 homes. My partner is Kay Johnson from Multnomah. Deciding which of these 500 tribes the Lord has for us is our next step.” Elcho ’47 and Mildred (Kooistra ’4b, ’47 SMM) Redding. Report comes to us that the Reddings have served in India twelve years. During their first term they pioneered a new area and established sev en village schools in Western India. Elcho teaches in the school for Tibetan refugees at Mussoorie. Many of the students now are scattered in many different parts of India and other countries. Elcho gives an English and a Tibetan New Testament to each student as he leaves Mussoorie. Dave ’AA and Elaine (Lange ’53) Crane are with the Caribbean Broadcasting Com pany in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. Dave was the General Crusade Chairman for the recent United Revival Crusade held in Queen’s Hall. Larry ’58 and Margaret (Boyd ’57) All- mon, Madrid, Spain: “ Today with Spain almost being forced to join die ‘Common Market,’ it could prove to be the wedge that will finally open her door . . . to the Gospel . . . Also, there are clear tendencies to revive the old Roman Empire . . . We have begun plans for a Center for Bible training . . . Early in October we plan to open with a small student body. Pray for this Center.” Violet Lopes ’60, Belas, Portugal: “We recently had a rally of several hundred children. The children’s meetings in Abrantee and Viseu were a special bless ing . . . I had a two-weeks Teacher Training Institute in Porto. It was our first training course in that area . . . Our newly formed trio is proving a great blessing.”
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