King's Business - 1962-09

C l a s s i f i e d  d s 15 CENTS PER WORD — M IN IM UM $3.00 Christian Education King's Missionary Training Institute offers spe­ cialized training in Bible, liberal aits, radio, teaching, printing, nursing and mechanics. Train­ ing for missionary outreach may be found at the King's Garden. W rite: KM T I, Dept. K, King's Garden. Seattle 33, Washington.________________ Music Correct and singable hymn music composed, ar­ ranged. edited and printed. Folders fre e.. Ray­ mond (den (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. M USICAL COWBELLS, Sleiâhbells, Choral Concert Glasses, Chorded Clusters, Mystery Theremin. Any range, terms. Arnold Westphal, 1401 Ohio, Michigan City, Indiana. Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — A ll Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 M ain Street. Hamburg, New York. Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style te meet, every need. A ll types of binding, rebinding. W rite for illustrated folder, prices. Norris B ook­ binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. REBIND OW N BIBLE— Easy, sim plified method— kits, cover, glue and sheets— material, instruc­ tions. Lexide cover, $1.95; Morocco, $5. State Bible size, U.S. Bible Bindery, Box 15051, Dallas 1, Texas. W itness with Scripture tracts, 100 assorted, 25c; 500 assorted, $1.00. Scripture Witness, 90 Coral Street, Paterson 2, N. J._________________________ IT'S NEW!! TEACHING TITHING TO TOTS A N D TEENS. Two flannelgraph lessons, 40 colored pictures, w ill adhere, fu ll lesson material. $2.50 postpaid. Meers Publications, Dept. A, 1009 Fifth Avenue, Fort W orth 4, Texas.__________________ WITNESS W ITH TRACTS! 200 only $2.00 Beautiful, heart-touching, missionary song Free w ith order. Rev. Billy Swaanx Ruskin, B.CV Car». Christian Homes Personalized care for the aged. Problem cases welcomed in my Christian Home. 17466 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, California. Phone 345-7506. Home for the aged, with emphasis on Christian fellowship and service. Twenty-four hour care. 1941 E. Center, Anaheim, California. PR 6-1951. Christian non-profit organization needs staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com­ pensation. W rite P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. Christian Institutions KING'S GARDEN — Faith — Service — Outreach for Christ. W rite for Free Brochures — You may help support this world wide missionary training ministry. Simply write King's Garden, Dept. K, Seattle 33, Washington.__________________________ Miscellaneous THE BEST BUY YET. ONE DOLLAR BUYS One Thousand Gummed Name and Address Labels. The labels with the thousand uses. Order today. Standard Specialties, Box 4382B, San Francisco 1, California.________________________________________ CHRISTIAN COUPLE W ANTED FOR HOUSE- PARENTS IN A CHRISTIAN HOME FOR TEEN­ AGE BOYS. W rite ttie Manager at P.O. Box 781 — Turlock, Calif, giving experience and back­ ground.__________________________________________ HOME FOR SALE — 2 bedrooms & den, 6 miles from Biola, covered patio, fireplace, built-ins, H»Fi, $15,800 — low down payment. 8082 San Heron Circle, Buena Park, TAylor 8-7831. Must sell immediately.

John F. Blanchard, Jr., executive di­ rector of the National Association of Christian Schools and director of Wheaton Academy, Wheaton, Illinois, has announced the move of the NACS headquarters to Wheaton, Illinois. The location of the National office in a more central geographical location will do much to increase effectiveness. The Sunday School Times and Eter­ nity Magazine, both published in Philadelphia, will be associated un­ der a single board of directors as the result of an agreement reached by the boards of the two organizations. Un­ der the new arrangement both maga­ zines will continue to be published without any major changes. Rev. James W. Reapsome will continue to serve as editor of the Times and Dr. Russell T. Hitt as editor of Eternity. Dr. Howard W. Ferrin, president of Barrington College, will be speaking at three Keswick Conferences to be held in the British Isles this summer. He was at the English Keswick, and also the North of Ireland Keswick Convention in Portstewart and the North London Keswick Convention. Governor Elmer L. Andersen, (left) of Minnesota, laid the cornerstone of the new $400,000 Evangelical Free Church of America headquarters building in Minneapolis recently. With Gover­ nor Andersen (left to right) are

Paul Cedar, former Youth for Christ Director in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, re­ cently joined the Crusade Staff of YFC, International. The Crusade Staff is made up of young evangelists who minister in hundreds of meetings yearly, in most of the United States and many provinces of Canada. C. Stacey Woods has resigned as pres­ ident of The Sunday School Times to devote his full time to serving as gen­ eral secretary of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Russ Reid, one of Canada’s outstand­ ing Christian businessmen, has joined

the executive staff of Word Records, Inc., of Waco, Tex­ as. Mr. Reid’s ap­ pointment to Vice President, S a l e s , was announced by Jarrell McCracken, President of Word Records. Mr. Reid was President and National Sales Di­


rector for the Audio Library Program of Canada prior to joining Word’s staff. Mr. Vernon McLellan and Mr. Edwin Norman are editors of Shipmates, the new quarterly publication pro­ duced by “ Haven of Rest,” well- known Christian radio broadcast. Mr. Clovis Salviano is editor of VIDA, Youth for Christ’s Portuguese-lang- uage magazine. A program to get 160,000 copies of VIDA into the hands of high school young people in Bra­ zil has been launched. This is the first such venture for Brazil Youth for Christ, and it is anticipated that the magazine will be placed in the homes of teens from the Amazon head­ water area to the far south states. Dr. Clarence Jones, co-founder and president of The Voice of the Andes, Quito, Ecuador and Dr. Clyde Taylor, coordinator of the Evangelical For­ eign Missions Association, will be among speakers at the second Con­ gress of Gospel Communications to be held in Huampani, Peru, Septem­ ber 17-26. The theme will be “The Good News through New Media for the New World,” and the effective use of literature, radio and evangelism in South America will be discussed.

Joseph Homess, chairman of the board of trustees of the EFCA, Harold P. Hal- leen, vice president and moderator, and Dr. Arnold T. Olson, president of the EFCA. Norman J. Clayton and James E. Thom­ as, president of Rodeheaver Hall-Mack Company, have announced that the Norman Clayton Publishing Company has become a division of Rodeheaver Hall-Mack Co., Winona Lake, Indi­ ana.

“ The B ible Institute Hour” TURLOCK

9:00 A.M . Sunday, KHOM, 93.1 ( FM)



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