NOW / Ano ther break-through in modern biblical scholarship... THE NEW BIBLE DICTIONARY New companion volume to THE NEW BI BLE COMME NT A R Y
O r g a n iz in g E d ito r: J. D. DOUGLAS C o n s u ltin g E d ito rs : F . F. BRUCE, J. I. PACKER, R. V. G. TASKER, DONALD J. WISEMAN
the 'wonderful new O N E -V O L U M E library that is fully: abreast o f the most recent biblical research . . . A t last! A n entirely hew and up-to-date one-volume B ible Dictionary that provides in lucid, compact style the first conservative dictionary fully abreast o f the most recent bib lica l research and archaeology. As in its com pan io q Commentary, the w ord New in the title o f this D ictionary is used in n o conventional way. It is not in any sense a revision o f any older work. Its 1,423 pages, most in doub le column , 230 help fu l line drawings, forty-six halftone and photographic illustrations, and sixteen pages o f original four-color maps are all new. It treats a greater variety o f b ib lica l and doctrinal subjects than other available volumes, and the historical developm ent o f the particular subject, or doctrine, or con cept is lucidly described. A bov e all, the aim through ou t this great work has been to produce a volum e entirely in the spirit o f loyalty to H o ly Scripture which will con tribu te substantially to the understanding o f G o d ’s W o rd to men.
Published by Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan • Of prime importance to every layman, stu dent and teacher e Produced by 139 writers enlisted from the world’s leading Bible scholars • 2300 outstanding articles on every biblical subject O 1375 double-column pages illustrated with 230 drawings • Forty-six large and helpful photographie illustrations o A sixteen-page atlas o f new and original four-color Bible maps
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