King's Business - 1962-09

(tI appreciate STONY BROOK’S E x p e r i e n c e d M a s t e r s ” says Victor Chen Rego Park, New York The School has always been noted for its faculty of experienced masters from leading colleges and universities. They represent, among others, Harvard, Princeton, Oxford University (England), Brown, Davidson, Duke, Franklin and Marshall, Pennsylvania, Columbia, New York University, Gordon, Barrington, Shelton, Houghton, Wheaton, Biblical Seminary, and Dallas Theological Seminary. Masters at Stony Brook are expe­ rienced, yet not so old as to be out of sym­ pathy with the boys’ point of view. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli­ gious, academic, and recreational activities,

“ Vox Pop,” or Voice of the People is a column devoted to opinions of readers on various subjects. Ideas ex­ pressed should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the opinions of THE KING’S BUSINESS or of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. I do appreciate the Vox Pop section of the KING'S BUSI­ NESS. I wish to refer to the letter from a person writing in the Jnauary issue concern­ ing "What About the United Nations?" Obviously he is not keeping informed as to just what is happening to the U.N. Wnat started out to be a very good instrument has been perverted by such men as Al­ ger Hiss and others who be­ lieve as he does. R. S. Fayan, Alpine, California MERCY KILLING I have been concerned about the subject of mercy killing. Recently, this was discussed over a news program, and there were views both pro and con presented. Having seen peo­ ple linger and suffer with cases of terminal cancer, one wonders what the true Scrip­ tural stand should be. I don't believe that I have seen this mentioned in any of your pub­ lications, and thought that perhaps it would be a good subject for your "Vox Pop" column. I believe this is now known as "euthanasia." Also, do you think that it is right for doctors, with the various drugs and pain killers which are at their disposal, to prolong life? It seems that today, illnesses which once were fatal, much sooner are merely prolonged with futile operations and medications. I know the Bible says, "Thou shalt not kill." But, doesn't this refer to pre-meditated murder?" Mrs. A. L. , Portland, Oregon THE KING 'S BUSINESS

EDITORIAL APPRECIATED Thank you for your editorial in the June issue of THE K ING ’S BUSINESS. It ought to he distributed far and wide, among fundamentalists and liberals, to pastors and lay people. I rejoice in the strong testimony of m y Alma Mater on the West coast and do pray it w ill con­ tinue. PRAYER REQUEST I am a young man of 26 and am men­ tally ill. I have been so for five years and have been hospitalized for four. I hear voices, get confused, and cannot manipu­ late properly. I have studied for the min­ istry. I am a graduate of a Bible Insti­ tute, and attended a college in preparation. Only a miracle from God can cure me of m y illness. Would you pray for me daily for a cure. I have just read this magazine E ditor ’ s N ote : In addition to daily pray­ er, this reader’s letter has been referred to Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, whose col­ umn appears monthly in THE KING’S BUSINESS. GRATEFUL FOR KB For some time I have been wanting to write and thank you for the article “ H er­ bert Armstrong: M r. Confusion.” That ti­ tle certainly seems to fit the man . . . Is this article in tract form? I would also like to thank you for the column about the cults, and “ Under the Parsonage R o o f’ —- well, in fact, I like all of THE K ING ’S BUSINESS. I look forward to it as often as we get a ship. Recently I got out all the past issues and have been looking them over again. As one of the Alumni, I also enjoy the Alumni News very much. But as it has been so long since I have been in the U.S. and at Biola, I do not know those of the years after 1930, but I enjoy reading about the Biolans in all parts of Peter F. Gunther, Assistant Director, Moody Literature Missioti, Chicago. and enjoyed it very much. A . B., Middletown, Connecticut. E ditor ’ s N ote : The excellent article on Herbert Armstrong is available at five cents per copy as the supply lasts. GIFT SUBSCRIPTION M y husband received a gift subscription to your magazine for his birthday and we enjoy it so much we plan never to let it expire. It is valuable in teaching all ages and has aroused our interest in many sub­ jects. Mrs. C. E. Inlow, Long Beach, California the world and do pray for them. Mrs. P. J. Visser, St. Helena Island, South A tlantic Ocean.

the School aims at a harmony of purpose. B y intelligent applica­ tion of this Christian program, in both administration and teach­ ing, Stony Brook is making a dis­ tinctive contribution to American education. D r . F rank E. G aebelein 9 Headmaster For Catalogue and Information, write Director of Admissions, Dept. 80

T H E S T O N Y B R O O K S C H O O L Stony Brook, Long Island • N ew York

now affiliated with The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Bible Institute Biola College School of Missionary Medicine Talbot Theological Seminary Arizona Bible Institute S58 South Hope Street, Los Angelos 17, California


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