Andrew Moore ARTICLE

Vision Clubs Tasmania, a division of the Tasmanian Hospitality Association (THA) is the peak advocacy body for RSL, sporting and community clubs across Tasmania. Purpose Our purpose is to advocate, lobby and represent RSLs, sporting and community clubs, on a range of issues relevant to clubs and enable clubs with resources, support and advice so they can be effective, sustainable, viable and play a role in promoting healthy lifestyles, across the community. Our Role Clubs Tasmania is committed to engaging effectively with stakeholders in a meaningful, accountable, responsive and equitable way to strengthen the community club industry. As at June Clubs Tasmania is now operational 5 days a week. We have opened up our 1300 125 827 (1300 1CLUBS) free call number as an avenue of support and advice for grassroots RSLs, sporting and community clubs. You will soon see our Clubs Tasmania branded vehicle, out and about on the roads and in the community, providing visibility around Clubs Tasmania’s willingness to serve the community club industry. Sport is expensive for many Tasmanian families and Clubs Tasmania has advocated for a subsidy to support families. Clubs Tasmania takes a great deal of pride in seeing the government's Ticket to Play subsidy implemented. The program is helping to increase participation with over 4000 families, accessing the subsidy. For more information https://www.communities.tas.gov. au/ticket-to-play Clubs Tasmania has also advocated for greater investment in upgrading female sporting facilities, to cater for the rapid rise in female participation in football and cricket. It is pleasing to see

governments ‘Levelling the Playing the Field’ grants program announce their first round of recipients. For more information http://www.dpac.tas.gov.au/divisions/csr/sportrec/funding_ grants/levelling_the_playing_field_grants_program Since last issue, we have supported our RSL club members by attending the RSL State Congress in Launceston. This was a chance to meet with staff and volunteers from the 48 RSL sub branches and seven commercial RSLs and deliver our RSL information kit which provides helpful hints, advice, referrals and a point of contact, on the key issues that RSL clubs are faced with on a daily basis. The kits have been very well received, with requests from RSL Tasmania for additional copies. We have met with Volunteering Tasmania, Good Sports Tasmania and the Tasmanian Community Fund, which has led to their participation at our regional forums, delivering shared workshops on volunteering, healthy clubs and grants. Over the next two months we are looking forward to meeting with current Clubs Tasmania member clubs face to face. We have a plan to make contact with some of the State Sporting Associations to see how we can work together and will meet with Communities, Sport and Recreation to see how Clubs Tasmania can work collaboratively with some of their priorities. There is also the Clubs Tasmania section of the THA website and Facebook page to set up with content, links and resources and we will commence the mapping phase of our Clubs Information Kit planned for state wide roll out in September. As you can see, it will be a very busy few months indeed. Do you know a club that needs support around a particular issue? Do you volunteer in your local sporting or community club? Then why not contact me and arrange a visit to discuss membership and how Clubs Tasmania can support your club P: 1300 125 827 M: 0408 284 228 E: andrew@tha.asn.au


Photo: Sky and Zac Finlayson with fellow Brighton Storm team members

June 2019 www.tha.asn.au


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