Department Initiatives—Community
Police Chief’s Advisory Board Meets Monthly The Police Chief’s Ad- visory Board is a group of community members that the Fort Worth Po- lice Department meets with monthly to discuss issues within the police department and within the community. The members make recommendations on how the police depart- ment can better serve the community to be able to foster a better police/community part- nership.
2016 Street Survival Class
Civilian Street Survival Class
The FWPD Motor Unit hosted its first Civilian Street Survival Class in September at the Bob Bolen Public Safety Complex. The class was attended by 23 students. The course began in a classroom with the introduction of street survival strategies including how to increase the visibility of motorcycles to other motorists, the importance of head and eye placement, contributing factors involved in motorcycle accidents, statistics of motorcycle operations and the importance of helmet use and the hazards of alcohol use. The six basic fundamentals of how to control a motorcycle were also covered. The class also utilized the driving track skills pad where two braking chutes were set up. Students were given instructions and demonstrations and then practiced proper braking techniques while being observed and evaluated by instructors. The students progressed to slow cone maneuvers to increase the skill of motorcycle control. When the instructors gave directions on how to ride the slow cone weave, offset cone weave, and a voluntary 20 foot U-turn box, most of the students had doubts about attempting the exercises. By the end of the day, nearly the entire class successfully completed the two basic cone weaves and had the confidence to attempt the 20 foot U-turn box. The instructions and information provided were well received by the students. The class evaluations completed by the students showed that their skills and knowledge were improved by attending the course. It is hoped that this course will produce safer riders, decreasing the motorcycle accident and fatality rate in Fort Worth.
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