2016 Annual Report

Department Initiatives—Personnel

Recruiting The Chief of Police implemented an action plan targeting minority recruitment in an effort to increase departmental diversity and more accurately mirror Fort Worth’s demographics. The Chief communicated this strategy to the Executive and Command staff in March of

Recruit and Lateral Entry Officer Graduations

Recruit Class 138

On April 15, Recruit Class 138 graduated from the FWPD Acade- my, putting 31 new officers on the streets.

2016 and FWPD held its first out of state testing at John Jay University in New York City, an institution of higher education renowned for diversity and progressive thinking. The FWPD Recruiting Unit has visited several Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) to foster relationships and educate their students about the opportunities at the FWPD . The following list shows the recruiting events conducted by the Recruiting Unit and the number of potential Black/AA and Hispanic applicants contacted in 2016.

Recruit Class 139

On July 8, Recruit Class 139 graduated from the FWPD Acade- my, putting 37 new officers on the streets.

Recruit Class 140

On December 9, Re- cruit Class 140 gradu- ated from the FWPD Academy, putting 39 new officers on the streets.

Dallas, TX / 19 contacts

Fort Hood USAR / 14 Contacts

 Florida A&M University (HBCU) / 20 contacts

Goodwill / 12 contacts

Arlington, TX / 11 contacts

Houston, TX / 15 contacts

Lateral Entry Class (LEO) 04

 Prairie View A&M University (HBCU) / 17 contacts

 Jackson State University (HBCU) / 30 contacts

New York, NY / 21 contacts

The Leo Class 04 grad- uated on July 22, put- ting 9 new experienced officers on the streets.

UTSA (HSI) / 1 contact

Fort Worth, TX / 2 contacts

Temple University / 4 contacts

TCU / 1 contact

Lateral Entry Class (LEO) 05

UNT / 8 contacts

 CUNY John Jay College (HSI) / 10 contacts

 Diversity Career Fair, Philadelphia PA / 33 contacts

The LEO class 05 graduated on Novem- ber 18, putting ten new experienced officers on the streets.

 John Jay College of Criminal Justice / 104 contacts

 Houston Area Career Fair / 30 contacts

 Greater Commission Fort Worth Fair / 23 contacts

 Red, White, and You Career Fair / 37 contacts


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