2016 Annual Report

Department Initiatives—Personnel

Audit Function

To increase efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability, it is critical that the depart- ment conduct periodic audits to ensure departmentally man- dated inspections are done on time and reflect adherence to policies. Moreover, Policy compliance reviews are paramount to qualifying for and maintaining recognition through the Texas Police Chief Associa- tion (TPCA) and, in the near future, meeting the intensive standards for the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). Examples of the audit functions implemented in 2016 includes quarterly driver’s license checks and queries in the National Crime Infor- mation Center/Texas Crime Information Center (NCIC/TCIC) on officers, as well as frequent body camera/ in-car video audit schedules.

Seeking Accreditation Texas Police Chief Association The Texas Police Chiefs Association (TPCA) is a statewide organization for law enforcement administrators in Texas. The program is a voluntary process where police agencies prove their compliance with 164 Texas Law Enforcement Best Practices. A Committee of Chiefs of Police and Command level officers from across Texas developed the Best Practices or Recognition Program standards, believed to be necessary for proper functioning of Texas law enforcement agencies. An agency that achieves “Recognized” status submits itself to a careful internal review of its policies, procedures, equipment, facilities, and operations. “Recognized” status is applicable for a four-year period, when during that time the agency must submit an annual report as proof of continued compliance with dynamic performance related standards.

FWPD is in the process of acquiring “Recognized” status. FWPD applied in December 2016. Next steps include being accepted, entering into an agreement, and beginning the review process.


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