Sterngold ERA® Product Catalog_666116 T

Non-Engaging Impression Coping Technique, cont'd

Sterngold | ERA® Attachment Systems

Passive seating is most important. If the tissue is displaced, it will be difficult to seat the attachments accurately.

Remove the denture. Fill any defects with resin and finish the prosthesis. Excess ERA PickUp ® material may be removed from unvarnished areas easily.

A soft reline material, like Sterngold’s QuickLine ™ , is recommended to cushion the tissue and implants. This long-term self-curing silicone material is dispensed easily from an automixing gun and may be applied directly to the denture.

Replace the Black Fabrication Males with the White Final Males. This will activate the 0.4 mm vertical resiliency feature of the ERA ® attachment.

Use the ERA ® Micro Core Cutting Bur in a straight handpiece at medium speed to cut out the center button of the Black Male. Use two or three short cutting cycles with an in-and-out motion.

After the core has been removed, collapse the remaining ring into the open space and lift it out. The ERA ® Attachment Extraction Tool is recommended.

Place the white ERA ® Micro Overdenture Males on the ERA ® Micro Seating Tool and snap them into the Metal Jackets.

Reseat the denture. The procedure is complete.

To order components, please refer to the ERA ® Implant Abutment Selection Chart located on page 15 or on the Sterngold website:




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