Sterngold ERA® Product Catalog_666116 T

Changing ERA® Male/

Sterngold | ERA® Attachment Systems

ERA® Angle Correction

Changing the ERA ® Male All ERA ® males are mechanically anchored in the denture base. They provide both vertical resiliency and universal hinge movement. Worn males are removed with a specially designed bur and new ones snap into a metal jacket permanently processed into the denture. There is a specifically designed metal jacket for each type of ERA ® male: partial denture – ERA ® -RV, Micro ERA ® , ERA ® overdenture, and Micro ERA ® overdenture. You can also anchor the males directly in the denture acrylic without the metal jacket.




1. Core Cutter Trephine Bur.

2. Bur removes the center post of the male.

3. Pop the remnant of the male out with the ERA® Extraction Tool, or with any sturdy pointed instrument.

Black is the processing male. White =

smallest button diameter

Orange Blue Grey Yellow Red *Green *Purple





largest button diameter

The eight different males provide consistent retention throughout the life of the attachment.

*The green and purple are available for the RV partial only.

4. Put a new male on the Seating Tool.

5. Snap the new male into

6. New male in place.

the metal jacket or denture acrylic.

All ERA ® males use the same color code

ERA ® Angle Correction



1. Snap a white alignment handle into the straight ERA ® attachments. Rotate

2. Mark a vertical line using an indelible pen across the juncture between the implant abutment base and the ERA ® Female – wherever space allows. Remove the females from the bases.

the angled ERA ® female until they all line up with the desired path of insertion of the denture.



3. Add a small quantity of

4. Snap in the ERA ® Female, aligning the two halves of the mark. Clean up any excess cement.

Resiment Ready-Mix cement into the socket of the base and a small amount to the button on the bottom of the female.




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